
It’ll be heavy on troubling, realistic emotions, very much inspired by the controversial No Russian campaign in Modern Warfare 2 that allowed the player to gun down civilians.

Can’t wait to play it next year on my Xbox One 2.

It’s awkward for sure but they couldn’t really call it Modern Warfare without it being awkward somehow. It was either gonna be the same title with the 4 in a different place, the same title as Modern Warfare Remastered without the Remastered part or worse, having an additional subtitle like Modern Warfare: ENDGAME.

Honestly this isn’t too different from how the third Xbox is called the Xbox One.

It probably helps too that the character are directly modeled on the actors. That is very clearly Sam Witwer.

This makes a whole lot of sense, when you consider the fact that the eyes make up the largest percentage of our facial expressiveness, and people tend to focus on them when analyzing how others are emoting. As a whole they are very complex structures, and when you’re trying to go for photorealism in games, even one

I dug the story personally. Its an interesting take on viruses and is a bit more in line with 28 Days later than the whole zombies thing. Also fun in that the virus is not only in humans but animals as well.

+1. It’s traditional for the bride to wear the ballcap.

I still cant get over how this guy wore a backwards cap to his wedding.

This is just incorrect. Better textures or models (eg: larger on disk) will cut in to a substantial increase in throughput from media into memory, but at the numbers we’re looking at in the above video, it’s absolutely not going to eat all of it. Then you mention effects, which are not really a “thing”, they’re simply

load times actually mater. A lot of game design currently is working around loading zones and texture pop in.  Eliminating that is actually quite interesting from a dev standpoint, and changes how levels and textures are designed. 

This very well might not ship, you got a good deal!

This very well might not ship, you got a good deal!

T-Mobile actually has trade-in tiers, which you can find on their website. Basically newer model top of the line phones get a $400 trade-in. And there’s a second tier which is $200 and a third tier which is $100. If you have an old, crappy phone (as I do), you’ll only get $100 off your new Pixel 3a at T-Mobile. And

it’s quite funny that building and running your own business from scratch is considered ‘passive’ income.

That’s not what “rent-seeking” means.

USA!! USA!! USA!! USA!! USA!! USA!! USA!! USA!! USA!! USA!! USA!! USA!! USA!! USA!! USA!! USA!! USA!! USA!! USA!! USA!! and repeat ‘til you puke.

Agree. The whole “the U.S. is just too big for single payer, etc..” excuse is intellectually lazy.

From my quick Google search, that would be their top marginal rate.

I read an article from a guy that lived in Sweden. Not sure how Denmark compares, but here is what he wrote:

I live in New York City. Roughly half of my income is taken in taxes. But because I live in America, I get shit in return.

Who doesn’t love having the ability to go bankrupt from medical debt or not receive the necessary care!