
It got its name from a gladiator who fought his opponents with a rusty sword, true story.

Yeah, I’ll just drop them off when I’m on my way to your work.

My recycling fills up twice as fast as my garbage, yet my garbage is picked up once a week and recycling only once every two weeks. This means that if I don’t crush my cans, I will just put them where there is space, my garbage. Change the size of city required bin, change the frequency that they pick it up, let me

leave a carrot out for a day or two and it’ll feel like a dead human finger lifehack

Putting double spaces after periods is one of the most hilarious Russian troll tells out there. They invented Tetris and got to space first, but they’re still using typewriter rules to teach proper keyboard usage? Bizarre

Maybe you are not sexist and alone,  it’s possible you are just an idiot.   You are just mad that I actually posted a link to the speech and she doesn’t actually attack anyone or say anything terrible. It’s reasonable and thoughtful and for some reason that seems to get you upset. 

The MCU’s Captain Marvel just comes off as smug and disinterested, with a constant ‘deal with it’ look on her face in every frame of the trailer.

Rating the Inquisition as just a “vibe” is kinda underselling it.

I think any “vibe” that can be exacerbated by fictional characters should be treated with the seriousness it deserves.

The MCU’s Captain Marvel just comes off as smug and disinterested, with a constant ‘deal with it’ look on her face in every frame of the trailer.

Ignatiy Vishnevetsky gave the film a C on this very site. Some people thought he was being overly harsh (and there was a prevailing idea that he always grades superhero movies on a harsher scale), some people were disappointed because they’d been looking forward to the film but tend to trust IV’s judgement. No one

this exact fucking website criticized this movie by calling it underwhelming and lackluster you fucking moron

You know Brie was probably polishing her 2016 Best Actress Oscar as you were typing your profound opinion.

I would prefer they spend their time doing meaningless stuff like this versus being out in public. 

Do not un-gray the trolls.

Guys, I can’t believe Brie Larson’s armies are going to force all men to go watch Capt. Marvel this weekend and cut their dicks off in the theater, this sjw regressive leftism has truly gone too far smh my head

It should be noted that many alt-right groups are also going out of their way to use the film equivalent of “I have a black friend.” by using Alita: Battle Angle as a Vivian James-esque shield for their bigotry because for some reason they think it’s “less political” than Captain Marvel.

This article already has 2 grey comments from newly created accounts with only 1 comment in their history so far. With them disingenuously pretending people aren’t specifically being extra trolly for this movie.

This is such a stupid controversy on so many levels. In the words of Patton Oswalt “You’re going to miss everything cool and die angry.”