
My daughter is 12 and I still have to approve every app she downloads and everything on her phone is unlocked and she knows it is perusable by me. I give her privacy on it, I don’t hang over her shoulder, and she watches some stuff on youtube that’s probably inappropriate (the Try Guys come to mind) but I figure if I

Yeah, I can’t wait to stop seeing the closeup of her face sneaking on to my Twitter timeline because of another new article about it.

Trying to understand the latest vaguely defined “cyber” threat that your local PTA is worked up about is the real Momo Challenge.

The articles seem split. Some reference Momo and other creepy images put into YouTube videos to tell kids to hurt themselves (which no one has been able to prove and YouTube says doesn’t exist). The rest reference WhatsApp where someone is cyberbullying kids into escalating acts of violence and hurting themselves by

The hoax is that it is popping up in games, and in safe videos on trusted channels.

It wasn’t. Any Video in which Momo appeared was because the content publisher put it there.

The myth was that hackers were making the Momo face pop up over video games and youtube videos (but only magically when adults weren’t watching), and the face would tell them to do various things, progessively more disturbing, ultimately suicide.

Since the fears, there have been a few hacked together videos where the

I only read about this for the first time this morning, someone’s kid on FB was posting about it. The thing that struck me about it was that, because of the nature of the picture, I IMMEDIATELY assumed it was some kind of made-up copypasta bullshit because the picture made me instinctively think of /b/ and 4chan. It

“If you’d have seen it in the state it was in, it would have probably looked even more terrifying.”

Something that screamed while it was sculpted, surely.

Ive read a ton of articles about this and Im still not sure what the momo challenge is supposed to be. Like a whatsapp user with a scary picture tells kids to hurt themselves, and then they do it? Like thats just cyberbullying. Even if this was real, the whole scare would just be about rebranded cyberbullying. Theres

Yeah the movement of this one is totally weird. But I will admit that it’s somewhat understandable after The Blue Whale Challenge ended up being actually real in Russia, but there’s usually no mention of that anywhere in the Momo coverage. It kind of reminds me of after Columbine when “Making Doom Maps” was like the

My kids’ elementary school sent a letter home about it. Usually I have a pretty good BS detector about these things, but it didn’t go off this time. My kids have virtually no unsupervised access to the Web, so I didn’t spend much time on it.

What makes it worse was that it was rotting. Um, what was it made of?!?

I work in IT and I had to send out an email to the entire staff because they were so worried for their children’s safety.

But what does the artist think about his work being used for this hoax? He said he has mixed feeling because it caused him trouble, but did show his work to the whole world.”

I don’t know, if my body of work was known because a hoax like this (tricking people into thinking children are actually being hurt or even

Oh wow, that is far worse than I ever imagined. I just thought it was a head... A digitally created head. Now I hear it existed in the real world and worse, it has a bird body for additional nightmares.

Imagine washing dishes every god damn day for 90 days... and I’m not talking your normal household sink full. US Navy destroyer ship galley dishes, pots, pans...god damn everything. Morning to night... that’s it. Oh, and you get to clean all the stainless steel equipment, and mop... Your hands become this soggy,

I tried this an now have alcohol poisoning. I really need to get some roommates 

My parents live in a house without a dishwasher, which makes me appreciate mine even more whenever I go home to visit. I have three easy steps for washing dishes by hand in the sink: