
I don’t know that this article establishes clearly:

Message to this pro-Assad militia:

Then they probably shouldnt put it on their website....

Now playing

The U.S. Navy, by contrast, calls its small carriers “amphibious assault ships.”

Terrific. Terrific tank. None better.

Why not a SR-71 Blackbird? I know it’s small-ish, but on the bright side the president could arrive virtually anywhere in the world in about 5 hours to insult leaders of other countries personally.

Pro: can bomb Gina on the way to Russia.

No, anyone who voted 3rd party for president is a moron. For other offices, fine, because there’s no electoral college. Winner-takes-all means that no 3rd party is going to even get a state, let alone the presidency. 3rd party candidates are not serious candidates, because they have no political base in state or

Bring back Euro Green

He couldn’t even be bothered to show up to the situation room.

But if you look at it another way, it was a tremendous raid. The most successful raid of all time, folks. Really amazing job planning that raid. I think some illegals died? In any case it’s fake news, and this conference is over.

If it’s going Mach 2 and fires a round from the tail, does the bullet actually go backwards and shoot down the plane itself? /mindblown

Make sure you keep the optics clean.

How bout a little JSFcest to class up the joint

Aren’t the B-2s $2 Billion Each?

Can’t see Zumwalt class....

Well, they are projected to cost $85 million per copy once full scale production starts. They are at $105 million for the latest batch, so that’s a reasonable number. That’s cheaper than any 4th gen fighter except the F-18 SH (similar) and the Gripen ($76 million). While true that its raw performance numbers are not

These are not, by most measures, good airplanes.

A few long range missles or some sub launched cruise missles from close in would saturate the defenses and close down the air fields to allow more conventional bombing to finish the job. Remember they are far away from home so resupply and reinforcements will not be forthcoming easily or quickly. If I were a soldier,

If the balloon went up these sitting ducks would be the first to be visited by GPS guided munitions. Dangerous only if they start shooting first and then not for long after that. The bad part is the enviromental impact demolishing the local reefs to lay down their pee mark has had.