
Thanks for telling me what I should and shouldn't do. That's mighty considerate of you. I don't care about college sports, either, but the story they're pursuing is news involving alleged rape and cover up. But, what, because it's linked to sports, I shouldn't care? It's time for you to act like an adult and start

We're always happy to dump on ESPN when they screw up, but submitting a well-researched public records request on a subject of legitimate public interest in the expectation that it won't be sprayed all over the internet on Christmas Eve in an attempt to dampen its findings is definitely not an area where they screwed

not much moral gray area in this situation... withholding/not-testing a rape test swab???? jesus h christ....

Three years without a test? What do they think those swabs are, FSU football players?

2. If your name is Q-Tip and you're not a skinny guy with fuzzy white hair, I am disappointed as hell.

"Why would someone pick up a phone and dial all those numbers when you could just hop on your horse and trot over to their house to tell them what you want to tell them?" —You, 100 years ago.

1. Because twitter is the medium through which all of this started, and the only one where it can be guaranteed Iggy would see his message.

If you're more concerned about the medium than the message you are a dinosaur. He spoke where people listen. Your elitism is out of style.

Are you serious? I'm disappointed in YOU for not knowing who Q-Tip is.

/Kinja user claims to have an old brain that can't compute things

It's not an get off my lawn thing. You just don't get it.

I mean ... Seriously. A side eye that swings into a full-on roll.

But is it really so bad for people to want to be part of something? People's motivations are as varied as people are, but if we are all on the same side, who gives a fuck?

I was referencing the excellent piece above. Not don't talk about the issues. Not don't fight racism with everything you have. I should have worded my comment more carefully to make that clear. Don't be this person:

I've lived in New York, New Jersey, and Ohio. Liquor laws are fucked up. New York allows you to buy beer and malt beverages in the grocery store, but liquor and wine need to be bought from a liquor store (but wine product can be bought from a grocery store. Chateau Diana!)

You wouldn't say that if you've seen his face.

You may not accuse me of racism, sexism, blah blah-ish without asking me for my point of view first. I may or may not choose to give it to you.

You may not accuse me of racism, sexism, blah blah-ish without asking me for my point of view first.