
Egon: [after a ghost train runs through Winston] I think that was the old New York Central "City of Albany"! Derailed in 1920! Killed hundreds of people! Did you catch the number on the locomotive?

I generally attempt to remain civil, though yesterday I may have let my day's frustration spill into comments. Either way, apologizes. Generally, I find most people don't get my humor... which is sad and frustrating at times.

Wow. Wow.

Nothing, and I mean nothing, is made better by ranch dressing.

It's fucking disgusting. Let's take some perfectly normal, good food and drown it in a creamy MSG condiment. NO.


Next week on "Behind Closed Ovens," The story of some guy who ordered a Reuben with Ranch Dressing on it.

Wrong... Thousand Island or nothing.

Unsympathetic laughter gif party!

I think "the right to be forgotten" is amazing... for victims. This guy is a perpetrator, he doesn't deserve to shed that title.

long time habits are hard to break....

Boston sports fans are as fairweather as it gets. I lived in Boston from 1990-1992 and I could count on 1 (maybe 2) hands the number of Pats fans I encountered. Sawks fans? Tons. Bruins fans? plenty. Celtics fans? There were many, but as the team went from Larry Bird and titles to Reggie Lewis & Dee Brown not winning

Mmm, steamed hams.

It would appear that Connecticut knows when to fall in line.

Connecticut is part of New England the same way Northern Virginia is part of the South.

I was going to say, I remember that CT had quite a few Giants fans.

The most amazing part of your response is your failure to comprehend that the OP is criticizing Ford