
Despite many trolls, a lot of Gawker sites actually have some decent etiquette in the comments, so I say, unless you are personally insulted , a level of civility mixed with snark isn't that much to ask for. Motherfucker!

Well I didn't see anyone call you an actual monster. Rather, most of us just said we strongly dislike ranch. Eat whatever you like, just don't get self-righteous about it and then condescend to people say something different to your opinions.

Also I'd hardly consider my response that said "it's fine if you like ranch" and "you're free to do as you wish" a freakout. Cutie :)

Maybe you're not freaking out, but you are being a condescending prick. Awwww, you're cute too with your provincial love of that slop called ranch. Such adorably bad taste and cute :) See how that works? Didn't think so.

This is plain idiotic.

Bahahaha, you're obnoxious.

You are 100 percent correct. The only application of ranch I find acceptable is with some curly fries, or maybe on like a chicken-bacon sandwich. Outside of those limited uses, it's fucking horrendous, and lastplaceguy and their ilk take joy in ruining foods. Ranch on Buffalo wings is grounds for a beat down in

It's fine if you like ranch, but it's also fine if other people find it horrific. So, no, we don't need to try it and while you're free to do as you wish, ranch on a Ruben is an abomination of every sort.

There's an app called Bacon Farts that I highly recommend everyone download.

Boheim still strikes me as less corrupt than other elite programs.

Not really. Some, perhaps many, yes. I don't say such things.

Nice fucking "beard," dickwad.

Pats are perpetual favorites. Other Boston teams ... I'll give you the unloved winners.

Yeah but at this point the Pats are like the Yankees of the NFL. It's the truth. And Yankees fans (myself included) are many things but we're not defensive. It's time Boston fans shed the image of "lovable losers." It no longer applies. You're now the favorites, especially in NFL.

I hear ya, not all bandwagoners, though every city has its share. It's the defensiveness that bothers people.

I agree that guy is wrong, but"unique brand of triumphant self-loathing"
fits Boston to a TEE (that was purposeful). Seriously, at this point, Boston fans should act like they've been there before, not like some kid who was bullied finally won a fight. That was OK in 2004. Not any more, though.

The line is similar to that of Yanks/Red Sox, aka the Munson-Nixon Line.

I'd say harsher, because revisionist history is, in my mind, just as bad if not worse.

Are you Chad Ford? So revisionist history is breaking news and it's accurate? That is moronic.

Just to be clear, many of us from Connecticut DO hate the Patriots.