
You're an old clown in denial who is needlessly confrontational. Bitter, bitter man, you are.

You're hopeless. And your name isn't that clever, either. Let me guess — you like words?? So, so clever. Bravo. Yawn.

Here's a more important question: who cares?

Q-Tip has been around for like 25-30 years now, so not even an old person has an excuse.

I don't disagree, but at least here in the Bay Area, the voices of those wanting to be a part of the fun began to drown out the voices of actual black people in Oakland and SF who are most affected by these practices. Of course not everyone, but a good deal of them — especially the most vocal ones — were white kids

I mean, yeah it's kind of Orwellian, but what would you rather the NBA do? Take care of its own shop or go after Wojnarowski like the White House goes after intelligence reporters?

I hear ya, and I appreciate the frustration with the "look at me I'm not a racist I love Mos Def!" kind of people. It's a delicate line, though, and while the person pointing out the woes of their racist uncle might not be helping, are they hurting? Sometimes, white people just get sick of other white people and speak

You said "Not talk about it. You can just do the right thing without telling everyone.."

I'm sorry but that's BS. So good white people shouldn't express opinions because some black people might construe that as self-righteousness? And just sit by quietly? There's a difference between getting on a soapbox and expressing one's opinion in a rational, calm manner in the appropriate venue. The latter is just

California is quite simple — everything can be bought pretty much anywhere until 2am. I think the only stipulation is that gas stations can't sell liquor, but any corner store or grocery can. I grew up in CT, but fortunately close to NY boarder, so we could always get more beer. Massachusetts was slightly better than

"You may not accuse me of racism, sexism, blah blah-ish without asking me for my point of view first. I may or may not choose to give it to you."

Not just accusations, but also reality.

Maybe they have a lot of body builders who eat there ... I dunno, I just don't care that much.

No one needs beer or wine or scotch or blow jobs or pony rides, either. But that doesn't mean you should NEVER doe indulge with such things, does it? Similarly, no one needs your badgering advice on diets. I doubt anyone eats out at this place saying I NEED to put more protein on my protein! It's eating out. It's

" Erdely wasn't, strictly, under any obligation to take Jackie out of the story, although it might have made most reporters wonder whether she was the best person to hang the story around."

Agreed — a good crust is chewy and crunchy all at once, and adds to the overall pizza-eating experience. It should only be maybe 1/4 inch of dough. Lousy crust in my mind means lousy dough, and when there's only three key ingredients — dough, sauce and cheese — none should be sacrificed in place of the other. Those

And, amazingly, we have people using "free speech" as an argument to for this vile shit. It's like saying rape is merely an expression!

"Why isn't a blowjob all deepthroating?"

You're eating lousy pizza if the crust is that bad...

That's four balls ... take your marriage license.