
And they call people like you "pleasant."

Where do you live that harassment is legal? And you don't have an ID? Most of us just call it a drivers license. What sort of libertarian wet dream fantasy world do you live in?

I would add that any guys engaging in revenge porn are fucking pathetic weasels who shouldn't be getting laid in the first place.

That's called a hate fuck, not a grudge fuck. So I'm told. I make it a habit of sleeping with people that I like and who like me in return.

I'm usually the first one to defend parents on this site, but I have noticed that many (not all) are horrible tippers, especially young parents with infants.

Maybe "victim" is too strong, but nevertheless you're needlessly antagonistic with such a sweeping blanket statement about people who eat organic foods. The idea that everyone who enjoys organic food thinks they are "more refined and better than everyone else" is a fallacy perpetuated by people who turn food choice

But ... but.. MEANIE LIBERAL SNOBS!!!!

Your comment is further proof that people are needlessly antagonistic toward people who make different choices than you and that you view yourself as a victim of other peoples' snobbery, when in fact most people don't give a shit.

She sounds like a real ass to me ...

It is so refreshing to hear the sensible people of St. Louis drown out the nonsense. Keep fighting the good fight (though I still won't root for your Cards)!

No, I am fully grasping it. You're the victim of a biased media blah blah you work harder than me. I got it.

Do you not understand how quoting works? Sometimes people write things that others disagree with. The person who disagrees will often quote that individual and follow up with a rebuttal. That's what happened here. The internet, what a place! I wasn't answering my first paragraph with your second paragraph, I was

Spot on. Imagine if the A's would spend just $15 million more? They'd probably have three WS rings with some of those lineups they had, but ownership just wants a higher profit margin.

As a Yankee fan, yes to this many times. Everyone turns into a socialist when it comes to MLB payrolls and bemoans big market teams spending the money they generate.

You do know that if your'e so humble, you shouldn't have to continually remind people of how humble you are, right? Or are you just the BEST at being humble? WE'RE SO HUMBLE, WE'RE MORE HUMBLE THAN YOU! Can you see how that doesn't work?

How bad did it hurt when the Cards got fucked hard in the ass by San Francisco? You fucking dipshit. St. Louis sucks more dick than your ugly whore of a mother, you homophobic piece of shit. Chop off your tiny dick so you can't populate the worlds with more of your idiocy.

Fuck St. Louis, you insecure passive aggressive wanna-be victim fuckwads. I'll take Cleveland and Des Moines any over your bullshit humble bragging and whining. St Louis is for suckers.

St. Louis — the BEST at being humble. They're so humble they need to tell you they're humble, motherfucker.

Huh? Don't tell that to people who think $100 tickets are expensive, especially if they want to bring a family if four or five to an event. Yeah, drop in the bucket!

How do you know they're middle class?