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$1000 per hp... that’s a lot of fromage.

I’ll see myself out.

Did they even know it was in the pond? Did the dive team even look for it? Not defending these guys, just wondering if they knew where to look. Their website says there are 500 lakes in that county, so if they searched one a day, it would take almost a year and half.

I use it on weekends mixed with the eggs for frittatas in place of cream. Amazing!

You mean like the Polk County Sheriff’s Dive Team?

Wow. I drive an S4 with half that power and it still screams for being a 2 ton car (with my fat ass in the driver’s seat).

Now playing

The engine was used in mostly small engine bays already so adding the turbo and the associated cooling bits is a pain. They also had a kinda shitty water pump with a plastic pipe that was prone to breakage (AKA the “crack” pipe). But some tuners made some FAF turbo VR6 cars. This TT makes over 1300 HP.

Well said.

I had a female friend purchase a ‘79 911 SC at Mecum. It was her dream to own one and I taught her how to drive manual on my GTI after she purchased it, so her experience level was low but she was getting there slowly. She was hanging out with some other Porsche owners (old douchebags TBH) a short time later, and some

Delete your account.

Yep the poly bushings on a road car can be quite annoying. I made the mistake of putting them on a daily of mine a while back and it sort of ruined the ride to the point of me wanting to get rid of the car.

Like Raph gives two shits about content that doesn’t have some sort of (insert current political cause du jour) overtones to it. Plus trashing press cars is a time honored tradition in his line of work, why stop now? If this outlet gets flagged by Volvo, who cares? It’s not like they write many actual car reviews

I was flying to Milwaukee a few years ago for the IMSA race at Road America and The Big Show from the WWE was sitting in front of me. I was hoping some bozo would get out of line the whole time just to see what he would do.

This $67 shirt I bought from 7tune in Japan in 2013.

This $67 shirt I bought from 7tune in Japan about 9 years ago. 

VW doesn’t even have a 400hp engine, but the 3.6l VR6 might have been better choice.

What the heck California?

All good, well informed points. I’d like to add that in 1987 the 16v PL code motor was an option, so this swap was not a big deal. No idea why someone would pay almost 7 grand for a German built GLI and then not get the 16v back then, but it happened. Also the seats are from 1988 and later I believe, the Recaro


We have this in California but it’s on Trophy style trucks. But it’s functional, at least off pavement.