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    I did not realize what the hell was going on until about :25.

    I was just coming here to ask this. I need answers. Because if it is edible, this might be my favorite thing of 2011.

    I've had many shirts that were proud to sacrifice themselves for the cause. ...Pho the cause. (Sorry.)

    I wear black all the time, forever. The worst thing to get all over your clothes is PHO. Fucking pho broth splatters everywhere, is made of both oil and water, and is a bitch to get out of your clothes.

    I actually made some sort of terrified noise, out loud, that scared my cat.

    I'm almost 25 and am about to marry someone who is 32. Like everyone's saying— it's absolutely everything to do with where you both are in life.

    My dad used to make these for us when I was a kid. They were my favorite treat ever, and sometimes I still want them. He would make his own glaze and everything (confectioner's sugar and milk or water, I think).

    So good! We're from Louisiana— it's practically required viewing in my house. :)

    Not too many. One should do the trick, and only if the pain becomes UNBEARABLE. My partner had to take one during his last one (back of the calf) because the pain of it actually made him become totally washed out.

    It totally does. BTW, I'm originally from Cajun country myself. Hearted for shared heritage.

    As far as size goes, your artist should have some sound advice for you. Part of their job is to know how the placement and sizing will look best on you.

    Ahahah. I love it.

    As a kid, whenever I was being awful, my mother would always sing this same song to annoy me, in this really high pitched voice: "I've writ-ten a letter to Daddy..."

    I feel you. I named my cat Sweet Dee, and she spent all weekend binge drinking and shaking me down for a car.

    Now playing

    The news sucks, the weather sucks, my week sucked.

    I don't sweat. That's the humidity. Sticking to me. A lot.

    The clips of Elmo KILL me. Lil bass drum all tucked up under his faaaace.

    My cat has a sixth sense for when I want her on me the least. Especially when it's too hot, or I need to go to the bathroom.

    It is one of the most wonderful films about films ever filmed. I also adore the sweet, fucked up Veronica Lake. She was totally living Lohan before that was a thing.

    Let us ride that fantastic CG dragon into the mist.