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    These reviews totally converted me and I’ve been playing the game nonstop for the past couple weekends. I’m nearing the finish line now and am sad/relieved to put it away, although I’m now verrry tempted to restart entirely and personality swap Alina, Yolanda, and Rosie.

    It must be so lonely at the top.

    I like your style.

    I’m wondering if the reboot of this kind of show in the States is trying to ride the current popularity of Korea’s Produce 101— or as it is affectionately known, Broduce 101— which actually lets the public choose from 101 “trainees” for a staggering 11 member group. When will your faves (take on a show with such a

    I didn’t have a PS3, unfortunately, although I do still play on my Vita occasionally. I would love to have it on something other than handheld because it’s a gorgeous game.

    Hello, Square Enix, please call me when you re-release Legend of Mana in some sort of PS4 playable format.

    This is the sweetest thing I’ve ever heard.

    Awesome! I was kind of disappointed after I whipped through X/Y over the course of a long weekend (yes, even the adorable after-quest, which I had to sense to save for a rainy day... a day later).

    This reminds me of a conversation I had with my boyfriend not too long ago. I really feel sorry for whatever poor soul has to monitor our chat logs.

    Actually, stories about Ferguson, Ebola, and the Pope are all in my "trending" tab. I rarely Like or participate in anything political on Facebook, nor do I post all that often (I did post about donating Planned Parenthood during the Hobby Lobby rulings, and have maybe posted a handful of things since then, none of

    TOMATO LAST? And you call yourself a FOOD PERSON.

    Damn, y'all. Look at those pretzel dicks.

    Misfired comment, sorry. This was supposed to go to the brow-horror echo chamber below. ;)

    Oof, all you people ganging up on The Hoff's brows. Gaby Hoffman is the epitome of effortless hipster queen. On the Chloe Sevigny-It Girl mantle by birthright. She's got a wandering artisan / Frida Kahlo thing going on, and the woman is only 31. She's fascinating. Let a fresh faced, fascinating woman have her

    Pretty sure I saw that on Lifetime, as a matter of fact.

    You're so lucky!

    They're going on tour, guys!

    Coincidentally, whoever designed this for Kate Spade -also- had a portion of their brain removed.

    Well, I guess I'm glad to know that America hasn't cornered the market on pandering, badly CG'ed films for tweens.

    JLaw is channeling some serious bad-bitch-Sharon-Stone in that dress, so, carry on, wonderful woman.