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    Know that feeling. I once planned an escape into Mexico with my best friend that included forged passports (I don't know), ditching a stolen car, and god knows what else. And then, later that night, I opened my fortune cookie at a Chinese buffet that read, "You will travel."

    Every theater in Louisiana, pretty much. Our AMCs carry frozen Jack and Coke and an assortment of frozen liquor-laced delights.

    Ohhhmyyyygaw, what is the name of this movie? It sounds just terrible.

    Re: Harry Potter

    What's confusing is that we never actually see Abby choreographing or doing any kind of actual dance instruction for these girls...

    These photos are absolutely amazing. If not for the old fashioned bras, they could have been taken yesterday.

    Yeah, there's even a whole song about it: "Ain't No Place to Pee on Mardi Gras Day."

    On Mardi Gras, my friends and I stayed at my workplace with a balcony, and an amazing view of the street below (between the famous Bourbon and Royal Streets).

    MoGlo, bb, you know I'd let you draw glasses on my arm any day of the week, right?

    My sweet, sweet Jenny.

    I dunno. She seems to carry with her a lot of commentators who proclaim she was "such a great actress!" whenever gossip about her surfaces. Like they can't wait for her to get back on the Oscar track or something.

    No kidding.

    No new cavities

    Not that anyone's going to debate this, but Natalie Portman was way better for Black Swan than Lilo. Portman has such an innocent baby face, which was crucial to her playing the horror card throughout the film. Even in her Mean Girls days, Lindsay couldn't effectively pull off the doe-eyed,

    My dad's youngest brother lived with my grandmother, and every time I went to their house, I would die laughing because his Mane & Tail shampoo bottle had horses on it. (Har har, my uncle uses horse shampoo.)

    Dear politicians: if you can't grasp the concept of "separation of church and state," please GTFO.

    My partner and I bought his (6 y/o) daughter one of those teenytiny iPods for Christmas last year and filled it up ourselves. She now likes everything from country classics like Jimmie Rodgers and the Ames Brothers to the White Stripes. But, alas, she recently asked if I could add some Selena Gomez to her playlist.

    I like you.

    Wait. No.

    Was it Vonnegut who said one should never turn down a breath mint if it is offered?