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    But what do you do when you realize that horrible smell is your friend?

    You have outstanding taste! *bookmark

    Tastes always seem to change around your early twenties, and again in your early thirties.

    Oof. I don't have cable, but at work the other day, my partner and I caught Discovery Health's equivalent to that show.

    "I think all systems are go, and I think it’s very possible that you and I could be talking about the making of this film or even it being made by this time next year."

    I know! She's beyond perfect.

    And from the poor taste files: that Edward Fortyhands entry notes that the game is sometimes called "Amy Winehands."

    Now playing

    Emma's speech was very sweet, but Jo Rowling was the one that really killed me. I'm not even that emotional about the end of the film series (I bawled during the last book, but while I like the movies, I'm not that attached to them)... but everything that comes out of Jo's head is pure gold and I love her.

    I am a sucker for a man in a three-piece suit.

    As much as I adore Lily's severe poker face, doesn't Modern Family have room for a 20-something version of her? Because I can SO DO THIS.

    I remember when I first saw the video for "No Man's Woman," and she had hair in the first few scenes. I was not at all prepared for that.

    Dear ABC,

    Aaagh, no.

    Daww. It means you guys are living the most adorable reenactment of a Disney movie, ever.

    Close Up, A Cat's Tongue Is Totally Fascinating

    lightsaber baseball has yet to become a thing.

    In a similar genre (though you've probably them already, because they've been around awhile), there's Pullman's His Dark Materials trilogy. I lost three whole days on those last summer. I never left my house ONCE.


    That is really good to hear! And, yeah, eating our way through Eastern Europe is on the agenda, so that is advice that I am definitely going to take. Thanks!
