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    Same here. Hoping this will provide some much-needed motivation.

    Writer ladies! Is anyone participating in Camp NaNoWriMo? From what I gather, it's like their annual November thing, but in July. They'll be making the big announcement after the weekend, I think.

    Good luck! (I'm SO FEELING YOU— future stepdaughter is six, and occasionally reverts to toddler mode when she is cranky. Which is kind of a lot. Help.)

    Yup, exactly.

    Agreed on every point. My upbringing was similar (though my mother was very clear that a boy would have been far worse, for her— "no cute cothes," as she said).

    Could it possibly be attributed to the fear of what you'd have to face —such as the real or imagined social, physical, and emotional differences— if you had a girl?

    Thanks! Having to cherry-pick is one of those things I love/hate about modern music. I like the hunt, but it makes me sad to think about how the whole album was considered a piece of art in the past, not just the single. (Queen and the Moody Blues are some faves.)

    Thirty seconds is an extended clip? How bad is the rest of the pilot?


    Love you and your taste in music. I've only heard the "He Gets Me High" EP by the Dum-Dum Girls, and thought "Wrong Feels Right" was rad. Would you recommend any albums?

    Love badlydrawnboy, too. I think he's on the other end of the production spectrum, though, in that he likes to polish his sound to a shine (Have You Fed the Fish? is a great example). He's on the lush side of music, and he's fantastic at it.

    Jack White is the closest thing our generation has to a Link Wray or Roy Harper. The man can do no wrong. Even as a producer, he seems like the kind of guy who just gets music.

    That's definitely my favorite part. All the scenes with the rat tail / future Ted Haggard kid are, collectively, a close second.

    Hah. I'm from Louisiana... I'm way more familiar with the hyperreligious scene than I'm comfortable with.

    Heh heh heh.

    Ugh, Jesus Camp. My best friend and I went out to rent a movie one Halloween, and that's what we came back with.

    I KNOW.

    Now playing

    This is eerily similar to what is probably my favorite YouTube video of ALL TIME...

    " Is it just that we need to let 400 or 500 years go by before we can safely look down on our ancestors as curiously dumb and misinformed?"

    Smart! There's no computer task I'm not willing to tackle at least once. I'll check it out.