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    Well, for the record, I was mostly kidding.

    This book discusses heliocentrism.

    Thanks! That seems to be the consensus— I'll check to see what my client is set at.

    I get it. For some jobs, it is necessary to not be on drugs, ever. You need to be alert and responsible, and some drug users just aren't. Sometimes it's a deterrent to keep drug trade out of places like hotels, etc.

    Thanks much!

    We actually had to have our parents sign waivers to be taught about evolution in our (PUBLIC) middle school. Yes, really.

    Shoooot. I missed the Ask Lifehacker thread earlier, so I'll just put this here, in case anyone can help... it's torrent-client-related.

    My cat has severe catfood breath, and little breath-freshening treats NEVER seem to work. You might have to brush your pet's teeth yourself, just make sure you get an animal-friendly toothpaste. Also, making sure your dog has plenty (and I mean PLENTY) of fresh water to drink / wash out his mouth might go a long

    Ant farm? They sold a really neat light-up NASA-inspired one on Thinkgeek awhile back.

    I feel your pain. I suffered few quite a few late-night interruptions for awhile after getting her. It took a little while to get her to stop doing it.

    My cat (a little younger than yours) used to be in the habit of knocking things off my dresser when she wanted attention. We have hardwood floors, so the sound of my ceramic curling iron hitting the floor in the middle of the night sounded like a gunshot.

    Now playing


    I don't get Ryan Reynolds' mancandy status, and I hate just about every movie he's been in... nothing but dudebro flicks and romcoms.

    Starting in an austere room where they are made to sit quietly, symbolizing Europe, the children will pass through an obstacle course to arrive at a brightly decorated party room (the New World). Red-white-and-blue confetti will be thrown. But afterward the kids will have to clean up the confetti, learning that with

    I think her singing is a bit overwrought too, to put it mildly. But with a bit of polish, I bet she'd be really fun on Broadway.

    Rebecca Black's Daily Beast article isn't even remotely sad. Despite the mockery surrounding her lightheartedly awful tune, she's definitely going to come out on top. How is no one else seeing this? The response to "Friday" is exactly what it should have been, and she's STILL getting to record more songs because

    (Broken img. Hate you, Gawker. A lot.)

    I dunno, you guys. Silas Botwin Is pretty built, and this cap is from almost three seasons ago... Not to mention, men are frequently told to bulk up like crazy for movie roles (see: 300, Twilight, etc.).

    More "All Tomorrow's Parties," if you ask me.