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    @mandabear: Oh yes, there's something about high school and joyriding that just goes hand in hand.

    It is 10:30 at night, and I am fully dressed (after a day in sweatpants), waiting for my best friend to come over for a late night joy ride. She lives about 100 miles away.

    @MidwesternCandyBeanJamboree: Thank you for the preview! I've been trying to refrain til tomorrow, when I'll have a joint and this album waiting for me on my desk. Hah.

    @penguins268: I was so proud of her! She didn't ruin everything! Yaaaay, Emma!

    @janeEyre,QuietAssassin: I really liked it! Although I probably shouldn't have reread the book the day of the movie, because I couldn't turn off the part of my brain that was looking for differences and missed nuances.

    @Joie de Vivre: I ordered a roasted lamb salad and some hummus from a local delivery place.

    @ktburrr: For real, you can't go wrong with Rumours. I love "Hold Me."

    A new word for the ANTM lexicon.

    Is it just me, or does Tom Felton sound exactly like Steve Buscemi?

    I'm surprised I made it even a minute into that clip (1:03, actually). Because I've never wanted to squash a child like a bug before, but...

    Oh my god! Was she actually showering with the ring on? And sleeping with it?

    @westendgirl: LOL. Four Loco actually sounds a little less dangerous than a 10-shot of espresso.

    Oh my god, how does that not tear up a person's insides?

    I hope he's filed a police report, because Jon Hamm just got robbed.

    @MsCongeniality: It looks like it could come alive and devour me. Is that a KNIFE in Rachael Ray's* teeth??

    Aw... She was so much sweeter about it back then. You almost think she didn't do it on purpose.

    @magnets: Girl, you've got vision. I applaud you.

    @rosie.the.riveter: Hear, hear! This is really great, and Tavi must be over the moon excited. I love that girl, ambitious lil lady that she is.