@mattie180: No kidding! I once had a teacher who made a habit of wearing micro cut-off jean skirts and low cut shirts... and she taught seventh graders.
@mattie180: No kidding! I once had a teacher who made a habit of wearing micro cut-off jean skirts and low cut shirts... and she taught seventh graders.
@VisforVanity: Exactly, exactly! I was going to post pretty much the same thing.
@personaldecay: NICE. That might be the best dinner story I've ever heard.
My great grandmother (from the Cajun side of the family) was strangely well known for her chicken neck-wringing skills— she could do it in one clean wrench of her bare hands.
@alwaysamy: Definitely not! Especially since Nick at Nite used to air it quite often. ;)
@victoriasauce: CO-SIGNED.
Well. Thanks, Oprah and Bush, for trying so hard to place the blame for the massive paper fuckup that was Hurricane Katrina.
Looks like someone's been raiding Andrew Lloyd Webber's costume closet.
@enthusiasmflail hearts MizJenkins: Exactly! They have wonderful taste (I think one of them actually collects Darger, or just really really likes him...).
I am proud to know quite a few female Chinese boxers (san shou).
@AnnieSaBu: Spot on!
@Imparfait: Not just uninformed, but fucking disgusting. Why was it even linked on this website?
@amandahugnkiss: Hiiiilarious. I love Michelle Trachtenberg forever.
Heidi and Seal's costumes made me make this face: :D
I have enough trouble being talkative and comfortable at a party without the promise of fearful, impending cuddle time.