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    @mattie180: No kidding! I once had a teacher who made a habit of wearing micro cut-off jean skirts and low cut shirts... and she taught seventh graders.

    @VisforVanity: Exactly, exactly! I was going to post pretty much the same thing.

    @personaldecay: NICE. That might be the best dinner story I've ever heard.

    My great grandmother (from the Cajun side of the family) was strangely well known for her chicken neck-wringing skills— she could do it in one clean wrench of her bare hands.

    But what about bosom friends?

    @alwaysamy: Definitely not! Especially since Nick at Nite used to air it quite often. ;)

    Well. Thanks, Oprah and Bush, for trying so hard to place the blame for the massive paper fuckup that was Hurricane Katrina.

    Now playing

    Looks like someone's been raiding Andrew Lloyd Webber's costume closet.

    George Takei saying "total douchebag," gives me a similar reaction to Andy's on Mission Hill...

    The Olsens always look as though they've just stepped out of an Edward Gorey illustration, and I enjoy that.

    I am proud to know quite a few female Chinese boxers (san shou).

    @Imparfait: Not just uninformed, but fucking disgusting. Why was it even linked on this website?

    @amandahugnkiss: Hiiiilarious. I love Michelle Trachtenberg forever.

    Heidi and Seal's costumes made me make this face: :D

    I have enough trouble being talkative and comfortable at a party without the promise of fearful, impending cuddle time.