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    So sad! Ginny Sack was definitely one of the sweetest characters on the show. I loved John's loyalty and fierce protectiveness of his wife, and I wished they had gotten more screen time.

    @erika: No kidding. I've heard better voices in a karaoke biker bar.

    It's official.

    Michael Douglas is still "on schedule" to play Liberace in a Steven Soderbergh-directed biopic which starts shooting next summer.

    @royalfan5: Heh heh. That made me snort my drink a lil. Thanks for that.

    "Courtney Love channels a dotty screwball heiress on a bender."

    @ytuhermanotambien: I actually have big calves and short legs, and I didn't think these would look good on me at all. But I think the tops of the boots are wide enough that it doesn't look like I'm wearing hooves. They sit at the perfect height. And they look awesome. Especially from the side view.

    @TheDaneAbides: I KNOW. I think I tried on just about everything in the store. Just because.

    @TheDaneAbides: They sell the kind of sweaters I want to press into my face while weeping. It's glorious. I can never shop there again.

    @Miss_Thumbelina_Coquette: Dude, I know it. For two cardigans and this pair of boots, we paid somewhere around $600. I feel both incredibly spoiled and grateful. My mom went all out on the birthday shopping this year.

    BOOT LUST. My mom bought these for me today. They make my legs look so sexy, I can hardly bear it.

    @StarHen: If your friends won't, I totally will. Scrabble is my favorite.

    @Wolfabeast: If that thing haunts my dreams, I am holding you responsible for the subsequent therapy.

    It's maaah birrrrddday!

    @MsFeasance: So funny this should pop up today. I was watching The Craft on VHS this week (!!!), and there was a trailer for Foxfire on it.

    @MoreLikeBore-ges: No, I'm not saying this is Zach calling out Mel Gibson unfairly. By all means, Mel Gibson doesn't deserve anymore work, and ZG is probably a wonderful guy. And it's great that he said something about it.