@Penny: Tuesday... As in the day after tomorrow?
@Penny: Tuesday... As in the day after tomorrow?
@DeezerD: The Loathing Channel.
@palebluepixie: Send some to me!
@LateralWineshop: Food-related, The Physiology of Taste by Brillat-Savarin is a MUST read!
@t.king-real mrs pratt: Completely.
@Penny: Oh, my! When are you due? I keep meaning to ask.
@theovercoat: This is pure gold.
@t.king-real mrs pratt: I know! I voted for Ebola to be our infectious disease, because it's the only one I know a lot about.
@sarahbear: We have a winner!
I don't know what to doooo!
@JerrySizzler: Heh heh.
@trikota: Ooh, can I just say that your website is really adorable.
@JerrySizzler: What! Ruth Gordon WIN.
@Goldbunny86: omg, your work is very, very good. I'm following you, and looking forward to your prints, if you decide to post them!
@StarHen: Thanksthanks! I know, I'm so slow to update too.
@vision-o-johanna: That's really wonderful! Reminds me of Quentin Blake.
@thecameralovesyou: Thank you! If you'd like to commission a print (something in the 8x10" range), I can definitely take it on. Does your nursery have a particular theme?
Artsy Jezebels!