@GunwallsLizzie: Repping the arts, how about JK Rowling?
@GunwallsLizzie: Repping the arts, how about JK Rowling?
@rodmanstreet: I'm so glad he's still on the show. There would be no Weeds without Andy.
@rodmanstreet: Just like vodka, I believe.
Was dreaming about eating my chicken shawarma and red lentil soup with a tall glass of milk alllll day.
Michael Douglas! Stop being sick right now!
@Cerridwen: People with Ph.D.'s are high functioning book addicts. We all start somewhere, and I totally blame library summer reading programs.
I used to go beast mode on those summer reading contests as a kid (although 325 books is way more than I ever read in a summer).
Perfect for hanging in Junior's nursery!
Girl, you look fly.
Annnnd remember: once you're done putting all your sweetass decor up, keep your dorm room locked!
Before I found out (from a real doctor!) that I have a latex allergy, I turned to Google to find out what sort of STD was stewing in my nether-regions.
@fuzzylizardkitten: Yep. Yep.
@Devika: Dude, I'm just sayin'. Matt Weiner is going to be super pissed that Rolling Stone broke his "no spoilers" policy.
Don and Betty's arms form one hand, holding a whiskey glass.
...one day learned internet technologies. One of our young male interns showed us over many nights how to post blogs, paste videos from the youtube, search for hazardous waste on the internet via the Google system...
@alula: Hah, I just re-watched a bunch of Digital Shorts today, and it reminded me that she killed it when she hosted SNL.
I love this song. Rock steady with a cello? Yes, please!
@eatingatoms: Alphabet blocks! They're classic.
@maharani: I always drive for a little bit so I can cool off... I get in my car and blast something loud— angry music, 90's pop, whatever.
@SQ85: I'll see your "Naive Melody" and raise you "Road to Nowhere."