I'm pretty sure Chris Isaak is considered "adult contemporary," which always has a ring of intense lameness to it, but...
I'm pretty sure Chris Isaak is considered "adult contemporary," which always has a ring of intense lameness to it, but...
@frankie22: Cooler Ranch Doritos, dipped in milk.
@Lizard in the Wires - Please, call it hamburger time.: Incidentally, my boyfriend's mother just gave him a random jar of Nutella. How weird is that? It's like she's psychic.
@la.donna.pietra: I'm not an anxious smoker, but I know shrooms are a totally different ballgame.
@Leucadia: Yeah, we're doing them pretty late. At least I don't have anything to do tomorrow!
@crocuta: HAH. Love that.
@RousseMacabre is a little bit CRAZY: That is absolutely one of my favorite movies. Stick it out! The ending is beautiful and sad.
@vee: I am trying shrooms for the first time tonight, and I am very, very excited.
Talk of illicit activities in reply:
The photoshoot looks great, but whoever edited the music for this video needs to be fired.
@teachermama: Fear not! Many things in this world are still genuine.
@Susan B.: Oh, if that makes you a bad person, I'm right there with you.
@elijabet: Excellent! Josh Cooley is one of my favorite illustrators. You're lucky!
@Lymed: I just baked a chicken breast on a sea of garlic cloves. My breath is gonna smell awesome in about an hour.
@Vivi21: The last time two times I heard from ex boyfriends, they had just broken up with their longterm girlfriends.
I am a feminist! I am a strong woman!
Think I lost some cash during my vacation (like, dropped it or left it somewhere), and had to ask for an extension on my bills.
What's that?
I've watched this clip on FourFour about a dozen times now, and it is still hilarious.