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    @DorothyWordsworth: do the male TDS correspondents get subjected to the same level of scrutiny as Ms. Munn?

    @cettefemme: I hated it. I didn't laugh once either.

    Are you kidding me? I watched the last World Cup alone, all alone, and cried and laughed and hugged MYSELF from beginning to head butt to the sad, sad end.

    @RedHerrings: No joke. Must have been one hell of a joint. (A blunt? Tied to five other blunts? Filled with some other drugs?)

    Don't forget your towel...!

    Sarah Polley was also in the superb Avonlea series. I'm so glad she's still working!

    @crocuta: Oh my god, Cats? That is hysterical.

    @crocuta: I LOVE that album. You're the only other person I know who likes it. High five!

    It is so laaaaate. In a fit of insanity, I just compiled a list of my top 50 albums. All signs point to, "You listen to stoner music."

    @youngmanoldman: Sometimes it just exacerbates it. Occasionally, it just made me more aware of my migraine, which is no good.

    @AFoolishSomething: I do the same thing by pulsing granulated sugar in my food processor— bonus points: adding a tiny drop or two of food coloring makes colored sugar.

    @wiccanhot: I know, I actually made a noise when I looked at it.

    I am going out to buy John Waters' new book immediately.

    @vee: And #8, you and your man deserve the Good Sport of the Year award!

    These are all hysterical, but #5 gets my vote for being uncomfortably close to my first long-term boyfriend, who gets a pass because we were both virgins, 16, and therefore terrible in bed.

    I could just look at Marisa Berenson for hours and hours and hours.