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    @calamity jane: 30 Rock (the most recent seasons)! Arrested Development!

    Dinner party: SJP, Matthew Broderick, David and Amy Sedaris.

    Gahh, I adore Idina Menzel. I taught myself to sing by going along with her parts on the Rent and Wicked soundtracks for an entire summer.

    @acbatz: I love both of these stories. I really like the idea that you hung your tattoo design up for 4 years before getting it inked.

    She is lovely.

    @Ms.Frost: I have a really large, visible birthmark. I was teased a lot for it when I was younger, and a doctor even once offered to "burn" it off.

    Sometimes you get a tattoo to draw glasses on, and pretend you are The Proclaimers.

    It's a lovely memory to have in the bank.

    It's really nice to see Gemma Arterton getting lots and lots of work (she has 4 movies out this year). She's the perfect old-world-action-film princess.

    Where is she, that she gets to dress like that?

    @Maya Twocents: Oh mannn, I love Watership Down. It scared the hell out of me when I was made to watch it in school (in first grade or so), but it's now one of my most treasured dvds.

    I can see this as a terribly misguided Top Model photoshoot.

    I have much love for spooky vintage dolls, and Dita's takes the cake.

    @Fishbear: I also really, really like the seriousness with which Heidi says, "H's, for 'Heidi.'"

    I thought the performance of "Run Joey Run" was awful, but the fact that they chose it all is hysterically funny to me. It's pretty much the perfect illustration of a TERRIBLE song that happened to get inexplicably popular in the '70s.

    @rainywaves: Take up an instrument! I had really terrible posture when I was younger, but after years of playing, I find it really uncomfortable to slouch.

    @philtastic: @Cimorene: @banh mi: I would just like to say, I appreciate all three views being brought to the table here.

    @velcrosneakers: My mother always claimed my sister and me as "Asian" on official documents, but when I was old enough to fill out my own race on things like standardized tests and job applications, I always marked "Caucasian." What interesting looks I would receive from potential employers... "So... you're...

    @banh mi: It helps to view it as snarky, I guess. I'm a bit riled up lately as well.