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    First. I love, LOVE that Bill is finally utilizing Nikki's talents by putting her undercover at another campaign.

    @MoonCat82: Heard! I am guilty of tending to think of it as a southern thing, because people cringe when they hear the word "hunting," as though it is something that only rednecks would do (gah). But you are quite right.

    @Dancingfrog: I don't know a single person who's gone hunting and not enjoyed the spoils of it, in terms of food. I live in a state whose nickname is "Sportsman's Paradise." People often kill animals for food here. OR they sell it to a butcher who will then turn it into foodstuff to sell.

    @MoonCat82: I agree with you. Are we really going to snark, "Sounds like she could grow up to be a serial killer," at a four-year-old girl who likes to hunt?

    @Patricia Beninato: See, that's exactly why I love Roger Ebert. He reviews films by their own standards, not his own. And even when he likes a movie I hated, or the other way around... his reviews are always truthful, eloquent, and informative. Love him.

    Every bag I own needs to be large enough to fit my laptop. Period.

    @hortense: There's a guy named Fred, and he's got a lot of slacks.

    @likepenguins: Oooh, I like that. I'm sold if there are matching blazers a la Miami Vice.

    @GirlFailer: I actually named my indie band. Shortloin and the Hindshanks.

    First of all, do not care about Tiger Woods. He plays sports. He sleeps around. Are we so bored that we have to find a running tally of all the people he's slept with? Gross.

    @all : I am so disappointed right now.

    @MediasBlue: @Bitingpika: Ooh, so far? No thaaank you. If I hear how edgy Bob Saget is, I'm gonna puke. ...He's probably not such a bad dude, but the whole angle of this bio is, "He's not really Danny Tanner! He's got a foul moth! He's so gross! Wow!"

    @curiousgeorgiana: My god, have you seen the price of tickets for the home games now? It's like $200 for the nosebleed section.

    I'm subscribed to A&E Biography on Hulu. I normally delete all the celebrity bios from my queue... in fact, I think the only ones I've watched are the ones about militant leaders ('sup, Stalin) and serial murderers.

    @Blodwynn: I ran out of money from my last freelance job, and I found a (real) job just in time. I actually really like this job, as it's a total change of pace from my last gig. Much more casual, and my boss doesn't seem to be a coke-snorting witch (like the last one).

    @RiotGrrrl: Ok, this is a reeeeally rough recipe. I made this up as I went along... the important thing is the technique, and the order you're adding things like veggies and noodles, etc.

    @UnicornZiva: As for the pain, it's different for every person / placement of the tattoo. ON your breastbone might be a little uncomfortable, but in the fleshier area, it probably won't be as bad. (I felt more annoyed by the feeling than pained by it... and I have a really low tolerance for pain. Like, worse than

    @UnicornZiva: If it's a small tattoo, it probably won't even take 30 minutes. The cost depends on the place you go to, and how many ink colors you're planning on, etc. I doubt that even a reputable place will even charge you more than $75, but it won't hurt to shop around.