There's an amazing Chinese place in front of my parents' old house. It's pretty much the only reason I even go to visit my hometown. It's over an hour drive, but the food is that good.
There's an amazing Chinese place in front of my parents' old house. It's pretty much the only reason I even go to visit my hometown. It's over an hour drive, but the food is that good.
@Sputnik_Sweetheart: Though I'm certain her money and lifestyle has brought her plenty of time at ski resorts...
@salthegeek: I actually thought it was because of the Winter Olympics... I have no idea where I even read that.
I can't help it. I love them.
@kookla: Houses on stilts are a south Louisiana staple... along the bayous, you see tons of them (when I was younger, I lived in one raised house that was over 100 years old).
@madeofawesome: It's all good. I admit, I might be a little defensive about New Orleans.
@Schrodinger's Cat: You do.
@madeofawesome: In the article, the aesthetic complaints come from a designer (who is based out of Manhattan, an entire universe away from New Orleans), and a broker (read: landlord praying for gentrification so she can hike up the rent on the properties she owns in the Ninth). I guarantee neither of these people…
@curiousgeorgiana: Mmm, out of all the many versions of this film, this is definitely my favorite.
@sayah: I was given a few samples of Treximet, which I loved, but once those ran out, I realized it was cheaper to pop a few ibuprofen and take a nap.
@Snowbunny: We so are.
@sayah: Yay!
@vulcanized: This episode had me in stitches.
@Le Sighing My Way Through Life: If he's a reader, I love, LOVE Alton Brown's I'm Just Here for the Food.
@curiousgeorgiana: My family is Catholic, so there's a similar political environment... except the alcohol will be copious.
@LaComtesse: At least you get essays, which would indicate basic command of job seeking skills.
@rah29: Wii is the perfect foil for every ailment.
Using leftover turkey and broccoli to make lo mein.
Photos like this make me so grateful to live in NOLA.
Baking a lemon buttermilk tart at 10:30 at night.