@Ailatan: I -love- this hairstyle. I have loved it since the Disney Channel version of Heidi.
@Ailatan: I -love- this hairstyle. I have loved it since the Disney Channel version of Heidi.
@Sugarshock: I know. "I admire her enthusiasm" is what you say about yappy dogs, also.
@ethelinefourteen: Haaahah.
@Steve Holt's Mother Part Deux: I modified this recipe (subbed my own stuff in place of the thyme and parm), from the superb Ina Garten:
@Steve Holt's Mother Part Deux: They are reaaally super easy! The dough comes out very dry and crumbly, so the only hard part is getting it into a saran-wrapped log, and into the freezer without it breaking.
@Steve Holt's Mother Part Deux: Shortbreads! Make shortbreads!
@TallyCola: I'm a freelance artist... I recently had a commission that came in almost 4 months before its deadline.
@Penny: -edit- I literally just gazed over the headline without even reading. All snark deleted.
It warms my heart to know Jer Bulsara is still around to see the legacy her son created. A couple years ago, Brian May & Roger Taylor invited her to receive Freddie's Rock Hall of Fame award, and I sort of teared up.
Loved both of these girls, and would have been happy with either as the winner. Nicole's portfolio is flawless, though, and hopefully, she'll take off the way Elyse, Caridee, and a few of the other girls have (if you check all-antm.net, some of the girls have impressively large portfolios).
@hughman: Oprah, Uma, Uma, Oprah... #sarahpalinoprah
Maybe she's just yawning.
LOL. That quote sums up my view of Julia Stiles, exactly. #customdressingrooms
"K is for Kate, who was struck with an axe."
@JayBird: No problem!
@Apollonia: Bibomaco's got it right. 10 years oldER. Not... 10 years old. #warrenjeffs
The minutia-obsessed, unnecessarily combative girl in me wants to point out to Marisa Miller that -rollerblade- Barbie had gigantic flat feet. How else could she wear her SNAP-ON SKATES?
@JayBird: I know you were being facetious, but for anyone else wondering:
@LaComtesse: I nearly died when Jack's mother referred to Liz as "Shark Eyes." The delivery of it is perfect. #kristenstewart