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    @vee: ...I don't know why I feel the need to clarify this, but I still hope Jen gets it. I feel like Nicole can do well on her own without ANTM. And Laura's freaking great, but... it's definitely time to let an Asian girl get thissss. #americasnexttopmodelbarbietoe

    She is the face of pure nothingness. Nothing in her head, nothing done for the world.

    It's my birthday!

    I am almost positive David Cross was joking... has anyone -heard- this guy's standup?

    @funzette: So Hailey Glassman would be Debi Mazar's character, right?

    @marshmallory: Your boyfriend is a very, very good sport.

    @vee: Much more.

    @bluebears: Not to mention... if he is, in fact, supplying "everyone" in LA?

    I was spanked a handful of times as a child. Generally, they used the belt.

    @browngirlinthering: It is much better than the Tom Waits cover album... in that you can actually listen to it without your brain falling out of your ears.

    @bellzar08: Oh god, I didn't even notice that.

    Not to mention the completely gross pictures that come with each stereotype... badly drawn, leering women with gigantic breasts.

    @thebuffster: Only until the rampant alcoholism set in.