
This all sounds psychotic. As in, I have a brother who displays the same kind of behaviour. He no longer recognizes reality, or the fact that human beings have thier own wants & needs, independant of what he thinks they are.

Hereby, he is.

The idea that a story only has merit if we don’t know how it ends is preposterous. We’re still performing Shakespeare. 

The difference between an actual victim and a vindictive consenting adult is impossible to determine from tabloid news. Thankfully, when there’s a working judiciary system, it’s not our job to make that call. It’s when such a system is lacking, we feel the need to take justice into our own hands. So, rather than

Che isn’t a character, they’re all in service to Miranda’s character. And Miranda’s character is all in service of Cynthia Nixon. I’m willing to bet real money that everybody in the writer room, crew on set, every knew exactly what a disaster it was Nixon forced them into.

All of these comments about the contents of this list, but the fact is, my mother did all of these things, and of her three children, one is a homeless drug addict, the other spend their entire life in therapy, and the third is at almost 40 still trying to get their bachelorsdegree and an actual job. So, yeah, I

“Now”? What is now different from 20, 30, 40 years ago?

Loved the matter-of-fact presentation of the character’s sexuality. But, I gotta say, season 2 completely flushed it down the drain. Benson’s superfluous to the overall narrative, and most of his actions are about his love interest. That is such a loss. In S1, he was a great counterpart to Wolf, with him showing Kipo

So, what you’re saying is, he’s Donald Duck vs Mario’s Mickey Mouse, the Trump to his Obama

The show needs another female voice. I’m glad Gina is gone, but that reduced the cast to just two female voices, which almost automatically makes them ‘best friends’. Rosa and Amy went through enough to earn that friendship, rather than have it be the result of the logistics of only having two women on the team. 

I'm surprised at some of the comments. I thought it already settled that the tragedy isn't that Sandler can't act, but that he won't. That someone who could make amazing films, decides to waste his talents. 

Pokémon Shield. Just been breeding a set of Pokémon with pretty great stat rolls, so now I’m grinding until they're ready for the last stretch of the game. 

“It wasn’t funny”? No shit, Sherlock.

Oscar Isaac(40) as Gomez, Christina Ricci(39) as Morticia. Perfect. 

One of my favourite comedians has a 10+ minute bit on a chicken, a lion’s dropping, and the echo. All in assonance rhyme.

Not according to Alice.

It’s like hearing a recording of your own voice, but for 90+ minutes, with visual aids. I’m more surprised by the number of actors that ARE able to watch themselves for that long.

That’s why Ray put her in Arkham. A sane mind could commit the murders, but the motivation is delusional. Her psychosis let her to either forget she was the one who left, or constructed a narrative where she deemed it necessary to have this elaborate plan to convince him to return to her.

Bought Greedfall. Consider it Bioware on a shoestring budget. Since Spider does have a tenth of what the usual triple-A game has in budget, what they did with the game is pretty amazing. My biggest complaint would be the lack of companion integration into the experience, most of the time they’re just standing next to

Don’t shame “snitching”. Exposing criminals is in the interest of society as a whole, and we want more people to come forward, not less. Yes, we’re talking about a garbage person, but the information he provides is valuable. And there is nothing valuable, or even moral, in remaining loyal to a criminal gang. So, don't