
Including drunk Elsa? Otherwise, nope. 

Only technically. That Transformers Death’s Head took place in abiyh r Universe, and got some nd (and shrunk) to the 616 by the Doctor (as you know). There he fused with an amalgam consciousness to become Death's Head 2.0. But that Death's Head ad was from another universe, meaning the 616 version was still walking

You should pay more attention to what Hasbro is doing. It revolutionized the children’s cartoon with the modern take on My Little Pony, which paved the way for shows like Steven Universe. It made a conscious effort to introduce more women in Transformers, both in the franchise and behind the scenes, and with that also

September 7th was my birthday. I bought myself some third party Transformer add-ons, Fire Emblem Three Houses, and Astral Chain. I spend the entire weekend playing with those. It was a great time.

Not really: a father can be the angry spanker in a child’s youth, and his drinking buddy as an adult. God may be everlasting and eternal, but our species isn’t, so God would have to continually adapt to our growing. That was what Jesus did (or at least claimed to have done): by dying at the cross as a sacrificial

American Christianity is everything Jesus raged against. Literally, this is what Jesus threw marketstalls over at the Temple. 

The song’s being sun to Pibk Diamond, about what she did to Spinel. Pink Diamond left Spinel in the Garden, where she kept waiting for her, where she stayed, right where she left her. But she changed, ever so slightly, daily and nightly, until she finally realised she was left behind.

Now playing

Not sure if anyone mentioned this, but the plot of this movie is lifted wholesale from Adventure Time:

Seeing the completely empty commentsection, I wonder: is there anything left to discuss about Endgame?

Seeing the completely empty commentsection, I wonder: is there anything left to discuss about Endgame?

I can;t believe they’re having Conroy play Batman, Beyond my wildest expectations!

Parks and Rec, hell yeah. West Wing, definitely. But also Babylon 5, despite it being 'tacked on'. 

American Christianity is everything Jesus railed against. 

The lack of friends is killing me, though. 

The lack of friends is killing me, though. 

I’m watching an episode where Barry and Ralph are playing lasertag. This show, man. 

Last year’s anime Zombie land Saga had a trans character die because they had a heart attack after finding the first evidence of going through puberty. Which meant that coming back as a zombie was pretty great to them, because they will never get older now! But their father was wrecked with guilt, feeling like he had

What I want to see is a gay Christmas romance movie. Highstrung professional lead lady meets other highstrung professional lady, and they generally make a mess of things, and each other.

Can we talk She-ra reboot? And the possibly greatest character sinc Zuko, Catra? 

Your biggest gripe seems to be the xp thing. Which can be boosted via an added 10 bucks. Which many players say seems to be the way the game was originally intended to be played. So I guess they had a point after all, eh Kotaku? 

Framerate, I can’t say that I agree. I tried watching the show, but it literally gave me a headache. The framerate really is an issue for me. Otherwise, it’s a great show, great story, adorkable characters, after She-ra it may be my favourite new show this year. But when I have to treat it more like an audiobook,

Yes on She-ra! I absolutely adore Catra, and she and her relationship with Adora are the main reason I’m watching this show.