
So, these letters were submitted “as part of the trial”, quoting the article. Meaning they were written before the trial. Before he was found guilty. Before any of the facts of his crimes became public. So I find the insinuation of this article rather disingenuous, that these people supported a known rapist, when in

The two-punch of this cheating scandal and its anti-trans legislation made me lose all respect for the sport.

People keep saying that, but at the same time, find a Disney+ series to be perfectly acceptible substitutes for movies. Well, Clone Wars & Rebels ARE Disney+ series now. 

Fans can be obnoxious - News at Eleven

Recaps are a poor substitute for reviews. 

...wait, what exactly is the argument? “A paranoid spy thriller starring a man in his seventies....shows the constant malleability of the MCU, inspired by The Dark World’s desperate need for reshoots”? That is an insane reach, man.

I didn’t even knew this show existed. 

My reference for that is the Transformers comicbook, which ended with “Issue 80 of a four-issue miniseries”.

And according to the guy who invented the format, it’s pronounced “jif”.

The way I read him, it’s less ‘because’, and more “These guys really went to bat for me for an effing live-action version, where the hurdles of inclusion are much greater. If they made that happen, why can’t a voice-only cast have somebody latin?”  Which is absolutely fair. Nobody is coming to this movie for Crisp

I always think it’s silly in dystopias when a new belief system is created when you know people would just lean harder into puritan horribleness.”

I think Niel explained it really well, in that Fergus’ reaction HAS to be shocking enough to upset Dil. And Dil has to remain a sympathetic character, so any reaction of Fergus has to be severe enough that Dil’s counterreaction, of becoming upset in return, is still reasonable, understandable, and sympathetic. The less

No different fom any other tabloid website. Oh, wait, are you still under the assumption that they’re doing quality journalism here?

I love Community. I never cared all that much for R&M, and that has mostly to do with performance.Not only does each actor on Community fully embody their character, but they bring a humanity to their performance. Whether it’s the cartoon medium (Community had plenty of voice-only performances) , having to voice

Marvel is at best a symptom, definitely not a cause. The audience wants what it wants, and what they pay for is big blockbuster experiences. They simply don’t go to the critical darlings, as earlier articles have lamented about. And because those blockbuster experiences cost a lot of money to create, studios need to

It’s not being celebrated, though?

Whose* baby is this?

Bullshit. The idea that merchandise determines audience is fallacious, because any franchise produces merchandise for any age-bracket. Most Star Wars merch is bought by adults, as is most Transformers, or Power Ranger or whatever. Scratch that: ALL Merch is bought by adults, it’s just sometimes bought by parents, often

Thank God for piracy. But this notion of removing first-party content from their own library is baffling to the point of suicidal. Its trading long-term revenue for a short-term tax bonus, which you only do when you either need money now, or aren’t concerned with that long-term. What it is, is stripmining your own

I’m sorry, I love gravity Falls, but this article is absolute nonsense.