
So, these letters were submitted “as part of the trial”, quoting the article. Meaning they were written before the trial. Before he was found guilty. Before any of the facts of his crimes became public. So I find the insinuation of this article rather disingenuous, that these people supported a known rapist, when in

People keep saying that, but at the same time, find a Disney+ series to be perfectly acceptible substitutes for movies. Well, Clone Wars & Rebels ARE Disney+ series now. 

Not sure if you’ve been reading the news, but there’s not much else on TV right now to cover, bro.

The letter grade is there! I sift these for moments I missed not insight into the quality (sarcasm).

Not really - my mum loved the film, I watched it for the first time in the 80s, it remains a firm favourite that I go back to multiple times a year.

...wait, what exactly is the argument? “A paranoid spy thriller starring a man in his seventies....shows the constant malleability of the MCU, inspired by The Dark World’s desperate need for reshoots”? That is an insane reach, man.

The way I read him, it’s less ‘because’, and more “These guys really went to bat for me for an effing live-action version, where the hurdles of inclusion are much greater. If they made that happen, why can’t a voice-only cast have somebody latin?”  Which is absolutely fair. Nobody is coming to this movie for Crisp

No different fom any other tabloid website. Oh, wait, are you still under the assumption that they’re doing quality journalism here?

There were even toys made for Robocop and Alien, two R-rated films no child should have been watching. And it was the 1980s so they were real toys, not collectables for 30-somethings.

They are thinking wildly short term, because they took on a metric fuck ton of debt during the merger. So if they don’t go scorched earth, their stock price will tank.

Thank God for piracy. But this notion of removing first-party content from their own library is baffling to the point of suicidal. Its trading long-term revenue for a short-term tax bonus, which you only do when you either need money now, or aren’t concerned with that long-term. What it is, is stripmining your own

I would have loved if you hadn’t fired your last editor.

None of this works without Iron Man, to the point where the entire Marvel Cinematic Universe was shaped around his worldview, his sense of humor, and his egotism

I’m sorry, I love gravity Falls, but this article is absolute nonsense.

I'm surprised at some of the comments. I thought it already settled that the tragedy isn't that Sandler can't act, but that he won't. That someone who could make amazing films, decides to waste his talents. 

No need for other comments. Everyone should just upvote this

No offence, Snoop, but THIS. ▲▲▲↑↑↑

See, you made some kind of point in your article that I asked for a bit of elaboration on, and instead you gave me a snarky non-answer that’s of no use to anyone.

The entire soundtrack, I dunno, but I have completely destroyed my copy of Duel of the Fates, from Star Wars Episode One: The Phantom Menace,that's how often I have played it. Say what you will about the movie, but this song is just perfect. 

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