
… some fools think even mentioning the phrase “white people” is inherently racist. It’s fascinating to watch racists argue against basic logic and inference to defend their racism and/or racism denial. The faulty argument often goes like this:

Just an FYI, a white woman called the cops on a group of black women and children hiking in Colorado. The kicker is these women were with an NBC news crew who were filming this hike for a news segment. Also, this is my state and my county and I am LIVID!!!

Yet another shining example of Catch-22 in action.

Eight fucking years in office and delivered on one fucking campaign promise and that was just rebranding Romneycare. And he’s out here again with the same tepid incremental horseshit that cleared the decks for Hillary to step up and whiff in ‘16. But god forbid he ever face even the mildest fucking criticism or 200

So the guy in charge of running elections said out loud that it’s a problem “if everybody uses and exercises their right to vote” and we’re supposed to trust any result that doesn’t end in his defeat?

If only, but if I remember right, there are various PAC’s who are trying to scare racists to the polls by pointing out that if the Left wins, they will indeed blow up Stone Mountain.

God, I hope she wins and then gets to push the button to blow up Stone Mountain.

Sue. Anyone but a Police Officer would be charged with assault and endangering a minor, and child abuse.

Colleges are fucking expensive so it’s understandable. What is wrong here is taking money from a scholarship.

“What will happen to our husbands, our fathers or our sons when white girls lie on them?,” one woman says in the audio drop.

He’s already lived longer than any other president in history after leaving office.  By a wide margin.

This. There’s no oversight or accountability because none of the people in control of these systems want oversight or accountability. 

I know this is only tangentially related, but the discussion  doesn’t take into account the rape that happens after arrest, in prisons between officers and inmates. It is such a horrible problem. I can’t even begin to imagine how it will ever be discussed. I think we are generations away from ever touching this

And/or jail them right before voting.

The FBI says an average of 64 cops a year are murdered in the line of duty in America. Because of that, we have endless tributes to their bravery, old white people scraping their knees to lick their boots, and unassailable police unions with a license to kill as they see fit.

If we assumed sexual assaults by police officers are reported, and suspects arrested, following the same statistics as overall, 1260 arrests over 9 years would mean police were responsible for 22,105 sexual assaults over that period.

Whem you consider that rape and sexual assault are crimes of power, domination and control then consider jobs that entail those actions, it’s not incomprehensible that men with those tendencies would gravitate towards law enforcement careers. Add decreased likelihood of ever being held accountable? Include Blue Wall

If the US ever made voting compulsory, they’d still disenfranchise blacks. They’d then jail them for not voting. 

Carter is 90. Let my boy live. 

Uh oh, here comes the Joe Manchin Defense Force Suicide Squad. Never has there been a more pathetic hive of scum and villainy.