
No, you get 15 years for that too.

She’s being punished for going through all that bullshit without achieving the “payoff” of actually killing a black man.

wait... so you get 15 years for lying about being shot by a black man.... but paid vacation for shooting one?

Yo this dude is 40. Good Burger was 22 years ago. All That was 25 years ago.

Do ya’ll feel old? Cause I feel old.

Watched this interview this morning, two things -

in the state of Texas in almost 50 years.

So, if you were still wondering, this would be one reason why people run when they see the Police.

They have. They call that suspicion of resisting arrest.

it is, I thought you knew. 

How long until they formally make being black near angry police a crime?

White Systemic Racism

“My brothers in Jesus Christ our savior and Lord,” the letter begins, written in the barely legible chicken scratch preferred by white supremacists everywhere. Carothers continued:

This isn’t the first time Carothers has been charged with murder. In 1999, the teeth-deficient suspect was convicted of second-degree murder and was charged with another murder in 2011, but pleaded guilty to lesser charges

This sounds like the history of every African American’s ancestors. These are the stories we are taught when we are young (at least I was). This relative invented this and it was stolen. This relative had this land, and it was stolen. This person had a cross burnt on their yard for helping people register to vote. As

Almost everything you just said is wrong.

Reynolds runs a security company, Reynolds Security Consulting Corp., out of Plainfield and is also a reserve officer for the town of Sheridan. He’s currently running as a Republican candidate for Hendricks County Council.”

I’m honestly as tired as the “John McCain was a terrible terrible person who no one should say nice things about” pieces as the “John McCain was last of a rare and noble breed of American statesmen” pieces. Dude died just yesterday, and in my universe, it’s still poor manners to interrupt other people’s mourning with

Indeed. Fucking incredible that a pair of scumbags actually got nailed for their scumbaggery. 20 years good behavior tho, what’s the probability that a Nazi with a tendency towards violence can manage to get through that unscathed? I wouldn’t bet a lot of money on that one... :P

Is “Ma’am” on the list of things I can’t say anymore? When did that happen? Because it sounds like you’re telling me that every time I thought I was being polite by calling a woman “Ma’am,” I was actually being an [insert appropriate pejorative term here].

This sounds like some White Feminist (TM) bullshit.