The video where he makes the sandwich is pretty great though so win/win.
The video where he makes the sandwich is pretty great though so win/win.
Fantastic video, I just subscribed to the channel. Thanks for sharing.
This is ‘neat’, but how about tackling the latent effects of redlining, environmental justice, economic justice, racial disparities in healthcare, schooling, policing etc, etc, etc. We should view this type of move from a politician as condescending. It’s nothing more than a ploy to score political points and doesn’t…
When a cop shoots someone who has a weapon on them they’re always defended regardless of the circumstances leading to the shooting. If the shopkeep was a cop in this exact situation he would be totally justified in shooting first. Not saying violence is necessary just that armed minorities have had pretty good success…
Your story about the 16 year old resonates with me. I grew up amongst the whites in the suburbs. From sometime around middle school throughout highschool, damn near every weekend amongst my classmates was drugs, alcohol, reckless driving, property damage, etc. You already know how many of them got in any trouble over…
This is a cop out and exactly why progressives are giving Kamala the side-eye. When you ask an actual progressive candidate this question they will give you a direct answer that isn’t anywhere near “um more police”. No one is asking for a treatise but Kamala isn’t even willing to step outside of the establishment’s…
Kamala spent her career as a prosecutor aggressively caging black and poor people, while simultaneously refusing to prosecute egregious levels of white-collar crime on her watch (also taking campaign contributions from people she refused to prosecute), or numerous “police-involved-shootings” of minorities.
Kamala spent her career as a prosecutor aggressively caging black and poor people, while simultaneously refusing to prosecute egregious levels of white-collar crime on her watch (also taking campaign contributions from people she refused to prosecute).
And yet those same black voters were expected to get on board with HRC for some reason? A candidate who, in reality, fucked over more PoC than any other candidate who ran in 2016. Caping for a crime bill that locked up millions of people of color, pushing an economic policy that completely left PoC behind when the…
Hmm, I’m not seeing i- ah I see what you did there.
Right, I assumed the sentences would be the usual BS eg. 3 years suspended sentence, no probation, and a lollipop. Had to pull my jaw off the floor at these, 6 years, 10 years and 20 years of good behavior! WOW!
I just hope the can “get it” nation wide before 2020.
If the democratic party (collectively) wasn’t such shit at their jobs no one would give a shit about the Green party and it wouldn’t fall on journalist like Crockett to do their jobs for them. It pains me to say this, especially given the current political climate, but just look at the way they vote. Look at what they…
Even if the people making such systems aren’t biased, which is unlikely, the systems they produce, especially given that their training data comes from the US, is essentially guaranteed to be biased. Given the US’s long history with explicit/implicit bias, and outright racism there are no racially unbiased datasets to…
The law actually does not ignore who initiated the conflict. Drejka, as the aggressor, was obligated to stop or leave when McGlockton pushed him. Missing from every article on this case is any discussion of why stand your ground should apply to McGlockton’s push. Seriously, check the actual text of the law. Some…