
He held an online vote for what his next project. Making a sandwich with garage tools won. Never ask the internet for its opinion

Yeah!  Fuck universal health care!  Fuck the homeless!  U-S-A!  U-S-A!  Now where’s my brunch?

Wouldn’t it be swell if the corporate dems saved half as much venom for the fascist republicans.

No, I really don’t care about the guy.

Not wanting to defend Musk

It’s blatantly dishonest! Not only did Musk pretend that the issue was “solving world hunger” rather than “immediately feeding millions of people on the brink of starvation,” he completely ignored the hundreds of pages of reports giving detailed accountability of past efforts and future plans. He had a plan presented

He deliberately misrepresented a request to fund a food programme for 24m people as a program to end world hunger and demanded to know how such a small investment could do that. It was a deliberate diss of charity because efforts to solve world hunger run in the face of his abandon Earth philosophy.

he was provided with data and then ignored that data in order to make some more tweets that caused a million man-children to simultaneously cum into their pants.

I’m perfectly capable of hating both.

What I’m thinking of is something like TSMC just opening a fab in Kansas or something. We produce enough automobiles in NA that having a supply of semiconductors not subject to whatever China wants to accomplish that day might be worth it. And maybe shipping prices from China shouldn’t be so cheap? Those tankers are

Studies have actually shown that this kind of metaphor is incorrect. Because of racism, white people also lose out on things like economic growth (you know, Black people can’t buy your stuff either, when they have no money).

So based on the fact that soliciting is legal there, regardless the fact he wasn’t soliciting in the first place, when someone called to say he was soliciting the response should have been “That’s not illegal” and no one should have even been dispatched.

“Oppression makes you strong”

Gaaaaaaaad-dayum! She bodied ere’ body!

That dragging was so viciously epic, I had to go make a gif:

For me the disconnect is: violence has been working against black people and for white people for centuries! So tell me how it doesn’t work.

Yup and even if the kids ended up playing with the gun and a child got shot and died they still might not even get in trouble. I’ve seen stories where that has happened and the police and prosecutors don’t try and file any charges or attempt to prosecute for anything. They just write it off as a tragic accident and

Fuck this shit. I’m done with the internets for the day. 

Yes! I see that by how high they place among the states in education, wages, health....

Mississippi is known for currently having its shit together. I can see why they wouldn’t want to mess with the formula.