
MO is red af, I wouldn’t be surprised if they’d passed some law that says the most this woman could sue for is a free duck boat ride.

As the last few jews in the Dachau showers lay gasping for air their final thoughts drifted back to 1938, Kristallnacht. They finally knew that they had been wrong the entire time, they could do nothin more than wish that they had only been more civil. After all, everyone knew that if you were just nicer to the Nazis

This newfound obsession with “civility” reminded me of this passage in MLK’s Letter from Birmingham Jail:

Note that people complaining about a lack of “civility” are only doing so in one direction. They sure as fuck weren’t anywhere to be found during 45's campaign or the past year and a half of his presidency.

Bit on the nose ...

I’m tired of folks trying to dismiss these as one off incidents. Literally every couple months a cop gets fired for saying / doing something racist. And those are just the ones that made the news. Almost as if an uncomfortably high number of cops are actually racists.

“... from the lady because he got gypped [sigh ... why ruin a perfectly good gesture with this word?] ”

I’m a bit slow, could you explain?

UPS has no tolerance for hate, bigotry or prejudice. The company embraces diversity and inclusion as one of its core values.

“They are human beings and certainly at first glance, this looks like a mistake, and it doesn’t look right, and it’s my job to collectively investigate and find the answers to this.”

Are you seriously arguing that you think “leftists” would appoint fewer PoC’s to judgeships? You’re also conflating Bernie supporter’s disdain for Hillary with with some fantasy hatred of Obama which doesn’t exist. It’s possible to like someone overall while not liking literally everything they did/do. I know it’s

Communism and socialism are not the same thing. And if you’re going to highlight how they oppressed minorities you’re going to need to explain how their oppression of minorities differs from oppression of minorities in non-communist/socialist states which makes it sooo much worse than the country you currently live

Strange, this type of behavior usually results in a promotion. I swear officers get harsher punishments when their victims are still alive. The fact that Patmon is still breathing probably has something to do with the firing.

Thanks for the additional information but it still seems arbitrary. Why did states make the distinction in the first place? I’m coming from it with the angle that, given this discretion, it’s not really possible for the system to be fair. As we see basically everyday, discretion in the justice system usually means

What’s the point of having juvenile and adult court systems when the distinction between them is apparently arbitrary?

This story isn’t #perseveranceporn in the usual sense but it still reveals large scale societal failing regardless. It isn’t just that this man was treated poorly at Buffalo Wild Wings, he is continually treated poorly by our society. The latter condition is what allowed the former to exist in the first place.

I can answer 14! They kind of touched on this in Dr. Strange, it’s because using the time stone extensively has the unfortunate side-effect of potentially causing the end of existence. Of course, it seems that having all the other infinity stones should mitigate this so idk 🤔 ... the plot?

Reminds me of a time I was walking with a white friend, he wanted to enter a nearby park. It was after dark and the park was closed so I refused, he could not for the life of him understand why.

In our two party system the democrats only really have to distinguish themselves by not being republicans. There is nothing incentivizing them or forcing them to actually be better than republicans. The fact that dems are objectively better than republicans is a difference without distinction. This is why even though

My fictional version of the police report: