Some are, I thought most just wanted that sweet free room and board.
Some are, I thought most just wanted that sweet free room and board.
This is a cognitive bias known as the “just world fallacy” for anyone curious.
How’s that for proactive policing? The commissioner just knew these two good-for-nothings would be sassy before they were even arrested! I mean if that isn’t the case then making this statement only makes sense if he’s trying to make up justifications after the fact and why would a “good police officer” need to do…
Who hurt you?
I’m not saying it’s 100% PoC’s fault, I could have been more clear in that. Voter turnout in the US is so low that if PoCs really turned up we could run shit. What I AM saying is this: we have power that we don’t even use, PoC turnout has a history of being low, the election of Obama was an exception to that. If we…
How is this not on us!? I know it’s easy to get mad at someone for pointing out the obvious but PoC turnout was low AF for the 2016 election. If we’d (collectively) shown up then we wouldn’t be here now.
Check out the Magical Negro entry on tvTropes, the term “magical” is metaphorical.
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The balls ovaries on this woman.
What you experienced has a name, it’s called “White Fragility”. To learn more read this, it will explain what you saw almost completely.
Man that bs narrative gets me hot, it’s like they found a way to ‘all lives matter’ the most famous civil rights leader. He’s being turned into a magic negro. It’s technically true, but so far off from how MLK fought for civil rights that his legacy risks becoming meaningless.
This is the same country where people can’t decide whether police shooting sleeping 7 year olds is bad or not. Don’t hold your breath I’m certainly not.
Key fact to remember about this show, Uncle Phil could only do this because he was a judge. Any other random black parents would end up in the cell along with their kids.
This should be way higher up this comments thread.
I’m convinced the entire matter was a troll job from the outset.
You’ll appreciate the fact that in California non-compete clauses are not enforceable.
Is something that’s only true if you COMPLETELY ignore all of the technology modern cars have.
I want to recommend this more than once.
All these colors and ya’ll chose white?