
Woah! As fucked up as the beating was, I was not expecting anything near these sentences. Sounds about fair.

The president was correct in his assessment: These fine people from one side are going to the inside of of a fine jail. And I am fine with that. Fine people on both sides.

I can’t stop laughing at that face!!!!

Hang in there, Flora. We’re fucking counting on you.

A person uses that kind of language that openly, with two or more other people as witnesses? Yeah that fucker drops Nbombs like a redneck spits skoal. Little piles of his verbal fucking diarrhea all over the goddamn place. You know that every motherfucker on that school board has heard him drop it, probably daily.

An illegal recording might matter if police were operating without cause and without a warrant, or if this were a criminal proceeding. It should not matter to the school board.  This kind of stalling makes me suspicious of the rest of the board.  He’s not the only racist there.

The Buford City school board is 100 percent white.

“N-word” bad, blah blah blah. How about

omg I thought the title was hyperbole.. it LITERALLY sounds like some plantation owner speaking about those he has enslaved

Memphis, summer 1974. My father, who’d just spent the past seven years in the Army and then clerking at the US Tax Court in DC, is a new associate at a white-shoe law firm in the old Cotton Exchange building. Dissatisfied with the arrangement of his new office, he starts to move the desk.

My hometown city go sued for just that, their board is full of white people while the city population was more diverse in it’s makeup.

This made me laugh out loud, literally:

“This is a personnel and legal matter pertaining to a disgruntled employee.”

“This is a personnel and legal matter pertaining to a disgruntled employee.”

The colonizer/gentrified discovered " the topiary dog.

You know what tho? I get her non apology, cause stealing is a THING for middle class/rich white girls. It’s really wild actually. But it is. It’s a coming of age thing for them and they do it all the time like it’s nothing. They go to CVS or wherever and just steal shit cause they can, and because they are white and

O’Rourke’s answer was not only intelligent and well thought out, it was inspirational and sounded almost presidential.

“I’m a civil rights Republican.”