
Did the cop take him to the witness that identified him, or were they on the way to Burger King before the party was canceled?

As has been noted elsewhere, here’s a nice portion from the dedication speech for Silent Sam:

I bet if she’d shown up in an afro or dreds she would have been turned away. Honestly, the parents should get a refund and find a decent school to put their daughter in. Let these “christians” self segregate.

“only the students’ natural hair is permitted,”

Hmm, so odd, because it sure DID seem to matter whose sermons Barack Obama attended before becoming President. It also mattered whether or not Bill Clinton smoked pot before becoming President.

I wish Every student showed up the next day with a bandanna on. Nothing brings kids together like a display against authority.

I was sympathetic until this:

I’ve NEVER heard of someone being arrested for violating the dress code. That isn’t a law it’s a school rule, one that everyone knows is just used to tell people they can’t dress the way they’d like. If you violate the dress code you’re not fucking arrested you’re sent home.

...but no arrests have been made so far.

This is the photo of Aretha Franklin and Pattie Labelle we intended to publish”

I don’t think they’re blind. I think they’ve evolved highly specialized vision. For example, apparently a Fox News viewer can differentiate all these faces:

And sadly, I know this from experience from having worked with people like that. This is a person who regularly uses slurs, no doubt about it. 

Yup. Couldn’t be arsed to not be a complete piece of shit in public and he wants grace? FOH. You don’t drop racist slurs on accident because you’re “upset”.  That doesn’t happen unless the words are already a part of your daily vocabulary. 

I live in DC. My reaction is simply:

I wouldn’t give her not one some of my money, even if she trashed Mango Mussolini to help and back. Still remember her “ bow down” comments, fuck  her.

If you or I beat someone like this we would be arrested. Possibly for attempted murder.

Fire them both. Brother Backup was barely trying to stop Homeboy Harassment from laying the smackdown to his “arch enemy”

There are no good cops.

I will say that, during the past election, when a whole lot of the media was bending the knee for Trump by letting him say anything he wanted without any counter, O’Brien was one of the few who were playing that shit. Respect due.