
The Democratic Socialists have been having a MAJOR impact on the Democratic Party over the past 5 years. The Neo-Liberals have been fighting that, but... they are losing that fight as more Progressive Democratic Socialist Candidates are gaining more and more primary votes or winning outright.

THIS is what needed to be

It’s a big country with a lot of shitty parts that actually want those things. The Democratic party won’t be as lefty as we want so long as they play a fixed game that fucks over more highly populated areas. 

Did you read the article? 

I get that desire for Democrats to tread boldly and share it but...

You are absolutely right.

“People shouldn’t have independent thought processes. They should join my hive mind or I consider them an enemy and danger to society.” - You

Putin may have pasty skin, but take a good look at shots like this:

fuck you. democrats and republicans have been in power for a 100 years and its THE GREENS fault this country is fucked?

Because he doesn’t look like he was barfed out of strip club he’s not black enough? LOL!

The Left is starting to get it.

I think he was handling his own business.

I want his side of this story.

If you’re white.

Yes, one of the more expansive ones too. I think she shouldn’t be charged with anything and am not a lawyer but I could see shooting through the door being a problem. They could argue that she was safe at that point. Of course then he’d probably go for a window, so maybe you’re supposed to wait for that? But that

Oh look, another off-duty officer moonlighting as security.

Remember the aftermath of 9/11?

8I recently developed epilepsy earlier this year. It’s frustrating because until I never know when an episode is going to hit me. I’ll have about a 10 second heads up before I can tell it’s coming. It’s especially scary when I’m by myself, and taking public transportation. Wondering how would anyone know what’s

It popped out of my mouth that’s what that Mexican would have got called. That white person would have got called that too

Why should she have to delete these? Other than avoiding being the target of trolls, I mean? I can see not tweeting them from an official account or after you get hired by a publication with serious twitter rules, but these aren’t bad at all...

Nevermind Obamacare, the real “death panel” is capitalism.