
They were not portrayed as anything.

Black folks are fucked.

So, we should do the same with mass shooters, correct? We often seem to capture them alive. Using your approach, we should just be killing them before they do any further harm, even if they’re not an immediate threat.

If Wells Fargo was so awesome then why were they at your bank or credit union after the fact

I work in banking too, and I was trying to get appropriate document ion for something once, and the person was like, “Wells Fargo never asks for that”

I’m sure glad that MLK and dem didn’t wait around for the kindly old White attorney to show up.

I am a middle-aged white lady but I would love to show up and use my “let me speak to your manager” powers for good.

As righteous as a #BlackBackup app would be, the only thing that terrifies White people more than a Black person is several Black people, so lots of folks likely to get shot in that situation.

When I saw the title, I closed my eyes and let out a deep sigh.

it is taught.

The BIGGEST issue I have with all of the these shootings, regardless if they had a weapon on them or not is - they were not using it when they were shot. This guy was climbing a fence, and that is 1000% not a reason to shoot someone. If he got over the fence, and pulled a gun out then I would be more understanding.

You should absolutely run from the police, they’ll try to execute you if you stay or run and at least running gives you a chance. As for this bullshit:

Blessings. I listen to this fool-ass song at least once a week, occasionally creep-walking a la Rebbie and I truly love my life.

OMG, this has to be one of the worst videos of the 80s.  Snakes, tiger, centipedes.  WTF do they have in common???  So many questions. 

I worked retail back in the day. It used to be, if you mouthed off like this to any customer, for any reason, you were gone. Immediately. Without a moment’s hesitation.

He’s literally mad that a Black woman is getting a deal. That’s it. She’s not doing anything illegal or even losing them money. Hell, there are entire reality shows dedicated to extreme couponing, where people will end up paying $6.35 for like $200 worth of stuff. A Black woman doing it is “taking advantage,” somehow,

The fact that she came back to throw a can at him has me ROARING LAUGHING!! OMG. 

Hah, one time at a job I worked at an Iraqi co-worker who would get physical with customers he wanted to leave. Always black customers. Somehow, amazingly their ID’s were always the ones that didn’t look right to him. He was cool with the black regulars and everyone else, super overly polite even, but anyone new who

This is awesome! I’m tired of people taking advantage of our communities and acting like they’re doing a favor by being there and/or treating us like trash because they feel that we don’t have other options and have to deal with them or else.