
No Black person in the history of Black people has ever said “you Blacks” 😂😂😂 How stupid do they think we are?

Hardly a day goes by without my husband saying something to me like, “Honest black man speaking, did you remember to pick up milk like I asked you?” or “Honest black man speaking, X invited us over for dinner on Saturday night. Do you want to go?”

up against all kinds of intellectual odds...”

Are you sure? I always start comments with “honest black man speaking” lmao. To imagine a world so bleak and devoid of joy that one would resort to trolling a site such as this one.



Ladies and Gentlemen, the party of personal responsibility.

Yeah, but the evil Jew made him do it. So, totally not his fault.

“My fears were so heightened at that time, I was not thinking clearly nor could I appreciate what I was agreeing to when I participated in his ‘class.’ “

The good news is that many southern states are allowing guns in bars. So now there will be a drunk good guy with a gun to take out the drunk bad guy with a gun.

But let’s not forget the man who gave his life in opposition of that.

Oh, facts. Team Racism killed it on draft night. I mean, he literally laid out the entire reason we’re arguing about taxes, and Republicans clean act like there wasn’t an audio recording saying, “This hurts blacks more than whites and is easier to get away with.”

And clean ignored the AIDS crisis that was happening in real time until his buddy was dying from it.

Ah yes, here comes the “blame the victim” racist again. 

Talking back to a cop is not an artestable offense. Sandra Bland should have been ticketed at most but not arrested. That cop was already looking to use violence when he threatened to “light her up” when she didn’t put out her cigarette.

People forget about that sister’s case.

I heard what that dude said. You don’t need to re-cap. We all heard him. His long ass press conference was uncalled for. We knew that motherfucker who shot that brother was going to get away with it. I don’t need some long drawn out justification speech about it. 

Unfortunately the state changed the law now prosecutors must prove stand your ground does not apply before charging.

We all know had the races been reversed and it was a black man who “defended” himself by shooting a white man defending his family, that white man would be called a hero and that brother would be up under the jail and Lawyer-Sheriff Bob would be telling us all how he had no choice but to lock that brother up.