
Dude. The stories my mom told me about the workplace when she worked were horrifying. She treated them as if sexual assault was just the price of doing business.

From the school of don’t wear your seat belts in the car so you can get thrown clear in a fireball. The water displaces people and the boat moves as it goes down. Getting held against a canopy is a rare thing, and even then -jacket or no- you can pull yourself clear. However if you’ve no jacket on then chances of you

The only fools were the captain and the boating company who still allowed business to happen that day. It’s unfair to assume that customers of any kind of tourism or activity like this, know anything about boating. Cause most times they don’t. They put all their trust in the captain to know what’s right.

Most people don’t have experience boating and don’t realize that boats aren’t immune to that type of weather, especially on a lake. It’s not every day that you hear about a large boat sinking in the middle of an American lake. And I’m not sure what you expected them to do once they’d already left the dock and the

And her husband. As the mother of three children I know I would wish I had died too. That poor woman. I wish her nothing but peace. I can’t imagine the strength it will take to go forward. 

I’m really mad that they were told not to put their life jackets on. I know common sense should rule but when you have someone who you assume knows what they’re doing, 9 times out of 10, you’re going to take their word and trust them.

Of all the things I can’t imagine, being 43 years old and still living in a dorm way is way higher on the list than doing stupid shit and getting called out for it.

A key part of industrialism was the cotton mill. A cotton mill is a factory housing powered spinning or weaving machinery for the production of yarn or cloth from cotton, an important product during the Industrial Revolution.  Many blacks worked in these mills for very low wages.

Don’t get to excited. These glorified folks will be back to their crab barrel bullshit soon enough. 

I mean, us being down here doesn’t help. But can we quit this “they imported it from America” whenever some other Western country has people who do this? Canada doesn’t need to import racism; it has it’s own. The same people who colonized Canada colonized the United States.

When all involved were children, my cousin hit my little brother for no apparent reason. In response, I socked him on the arm, HARD, and told him if he EVER hit my brother again I’d do worse than hit him. He muttered at me under his breath, but guess what he never did again?

Now playing

I’m surprised PIXAR passed her over to replace Paul Newman…

I was a timid little girl. I’m an only child; so I was always happy to be around other kids but painfully shy when I met them for the first time. The first time I went to visit my paternal grandmother, when I was about 6 years old (as she tried to repair her strained relationship with my mom’s side of the family), I

I’m certain there were a million red flags before this. 

My therapist sometimes asks me about getting back out there and dating. I’m-a send her this.

Starred for chicken biscuits.

How absolutely decent, and awesome of everyone involved.

Police officers elsewhere, take note! Helpful check-ups and chicken biscuits are always welcome. 

If it looks like a Becky and smells like a Becky...

Still, the police department said that the woman did the right thing by calling them, encouraging others to say something if they see something.