
Rocket Raccoon: [about Drax] His people are completely literal. Metaphors go over his head.

Yeah they did kind of go rogue this year, with Mozart in the Jungle and Wolf Hall and whatnot. I like the Globes for the way they honor comedies, and I found it disappointing that they let the Martian game that. Happy that they went rogue for Mr. Robot though, because that show is great. Regarding DiCaprio, though:

The fact that this is the most talked about thing that happened last night really reaffirms that it was a freaking terrible show.

John Adams: “I must study politics and war, that my sons may have the liberty to study mathematics and philosophy, natural history and naval architecture, in order to give their children a right to study painting, poetry, music, architecture, tapestry, and porcelain.”

Teacher here...many schools have changed STEM to STEAM to include art because the arts are important to cognitive development and learning just as science, technology, engineering, and mathematics are.

I love how molesting a bunch of little girls (mainly his sisters, one of whom was only 5) is not as bad as the cheating. Raise your hand if you’d much, much, rather you found out your spouse cheated on you than sexually abused a number of kids? I might be hurt about cheating, but I could see working past it. I would

I’m pretty sure I look like I just saw a car crash.

Sorry Lindsay Lohan, Serena wins this round of best quotation of Maya Angelou.

as an editor for jezebel dot com and a person with a reasonable understanding of public health, i too am deeply personally averse to pro-life ideology! however, i do very much value people who are straightforward and sincere (and: respectful) about what they believe, to the point of prioritizing those beliefs over

She’s also incredibly smart. She used to write White House budget policy.

But he can step off making fun of Ina Garten. That woman is a damned good cook, and her recipes always work. You know if you’re using something she wrote, it has been tested to within an inch of its life and the results are reproducible. Sure, she’s privileged, but she owns it and she is good at what she does.

Adam Richman is an asshole and I liked him much better when he was fat. Anthony Bourdain should feel free to make fun of him. Guy Fieri is an easy target- Bourdain needs to raise his insult game.

OH that explains a lot.

She wouldn’t.

Nope, I have family in Texas. That’s all the entertainment I need where the Lone Star State is involved, haha.

Anybody read “Crazy Rich Asians” and “China Rich Girlfriend” by Kevin Kwan?