
I finally decided that after 2 years, it is finally time to decorate my house. I have spent WAAAAAY too much money over the last 2 weeks on kitschy, hilarious, animal themed decor. I am anxiously awaiting the arrival of this little guy, but I feel like he needs a name.

I know people like to hate on her, but that’s a really terrible thing to go through, and I hope she’ll be OK. I know she and Kanye talked about having a big family, so this must be extremely difficult for her.

It’s a stupid publicity stunt, obviously. They’ll be fine.


Now playing

The Medieval Land Fun -Time World Bad Lip Reading will always occupy a special place in my heart.

Probably the two idiots alpha-males caught in a cock-measuring contest!

This. It's so sweet when my boyfriend gives up listening to Morning Edition or Radiolab on his commute to hear me say fucking nothing for 30 minutes. That's love.

Seriously, who makes personal calls when they’re not in the car these days? I have an hour-long commute in each direction, and as soon as I arrive at home or at work, I need to be present and paying attention to the people who depend on me there (co-workers/clients/boss or kids/husband/pets). If I’m calling you at

Dear Unwitting,

she has a hemsworth brother right in front of her face and she settles for fucking coldplay.

Haha okie dokie - it was an experience.

Did I just read that Channing motherfucking Tatum needs to get a better body? Haters gonna hate, indeed.

Excuse you, some of us call it Whole Paycheque. :)

They’re retraining Whole Check workers to ring items up properly.

Walking douche Brody Jenner thinks vaginas are repulsive? It's only fair, I guess. My vagina finds him repulsive so the feeling is mutual.

Sadly Richard Gilmore won’t be in it

Not the only one. For all that people might have been charmed by Jess’s silly bad-boy angst and Dean’s aw-shucks fumbling, neither of them were legitimately quality partners long-term. Logan was dumb in a lot of ways because of being, what, 21? But he clearly had something in him that would’ve matured into a decent

Note to self: Add a box of Thin Mints to the car’s winter emergency kit.