
No stamina

Damn, I was going for thoughtful.

I loved this show until an episode in Season 2 where, while showing a couple a home, Chip ATE A FUCKING COCKROACH. What???? That’s just gross. I haven’t been able to watch it since.

The music for this video is just incredible. Perfection

I obviously know nothing about fashion because I looked at most of them and thought, “Looks like a wedding dress.”

Oooooooohhhhh! That song!

I’m sorry to see you all go. This one was one of the few safe spaces where I could be a feminist and not be shamed for being into fashion and beauty. I hope this sort of stuff gets integrated into Jezebel proper. Thanks for all you did.

I like this video a lot, but it feels slightly undercut when Stephen Colbert’s face comes up at the end. Like, “Hey, don’t forget, a man gave a woman permission to do this!”

This makes my stomach hurt

Is this an accurate or inaccurate representation of the sort of education you can get at Indiana?

I was at a conference this weekend. We were asked if there was a leader we try to emulate. Most people said things like MLK or the Dalai Lama. I said CJ Cregg...and no one knew who she was. Seriously. If I hadn’t paid through the nose for it I would’ve left right then.

OK, but in all seriousness, who is watching Tyrant??? I started it last night and it is phenomenal!! Why aren’t there a million articles about it yet a la Breaking Bad??

But his little caption called him Amazin’ Antonio! I’m so confused! What is his naaaaaaaaaame??????

I was an event and wedding planner for a few years while I was building my experience as a theatre stage manager. Young stage managers are always looking for gigs to practice their event management skills and I hired one for my day-of wedding stuff, paid her $250 and a couple of gift cards and everything was managed

I meant to post this to the original post a few days ago. Mine isn't a bad honeymoon story per se, but sort of falls in the category. My mom is an alcoholic and has been struggling to get sober for 6 years. During my wedding she kept it together, but over the weekend before we were supposed to leave she went on a huge

We spend about 15% of our budget on food, 1/3 of which goes to eating out. So 10% to groceries and 5% to eating out. There are 2 of us in our household. We have to deal with my husband’s Crohn’s so we have a higher number of specific dietary foods like prepared protein shakes, kombucha, and lots of organic, grass-fed

My response to this headline: No

What the actual fuck? "Poor planning"? I can't even.

My husband and I moved in together about 3 weeks into our relationship. Best decision ever, though I attribute it to our drastically different work schedules. Because of his long hours, that are usually afternoon to evening, and my more typical 9-5 schedule, we still only end up in the same room as each other for max,