
Please can we have Katherine Trendacosta back for a guest “reaction spot”...? I’d love to know how she feels about these developments and how much she hates these shows already. (Because, all cyncism aside, I’m really not sure how i feel and I miss her.)

YES! I love that figure!

I think it’s cute.

She was an oustanding Lois Lane to the screen’s best Superman. RIP

Very cool. Is WASP-107b even a “planet”...? It almost sounds like new definitions are needed for these kinds of phenomena.

Cylons could poop. This is nothing new.

Monica Rambeau should be played by Susan Wokoma.

Who’s writing the show then - us or them? Are they going to film multiple endings to Season 2 and we get to vote on which direction Season 3 heads in? Hmmm.

Nah, they should’ve left that in. Pacing be damned - the structure of the film is already odd enough that keeping this would’ve worked and the reasons for doing so it are dual.  This makes snese of Finn’s whole journey in the film, giving him an emotional climax missing in the final cut. It also makes Phasma’s

Yup. As described, all these deleted scenes serve to do is underscore what a mess the script was in structural terms. None of the characters introduced in TFA progress (especially Finn), some (Snoke) are rendered altogether pointless and we’re given no real context for why Luke is such a changed, bitter character.

The Man With X-Ray Eyes - Roger Corman schlock. But living skeletons. Yikes. And his eyes went all black. Gross. It was the idea of it all that freaked me out as much as anything visual - I’m sure if I saw it again now, it’d be lame. But the psychological aspect - that he began to see through matter, that living

One of the best features I’ve read on io9 recently. Thank you. And yes, it’s an incredible show that was far ahead of its time. Discovery’s attempting to explore vaguely similar territory, but hasn’t yet got a handle on what it’s trying to say (and how).

Those Canto Bight speeders looks as if they’re closely related to B-Wings.

Slow news day, was it? B-wings rule.

If I had a handy laser sword and a fearsome, hungry beast with giant, dripping teeth came at me with the intention of snacking on me, I might lash out too. I think it’s okay if it’s self-defense, Luke. It’s not like you were Wampa Game Hunting or anything. Are wampas in danger of extinction or something? Now... let’s

Couldn’t agree more about Filoni. In my humble opinion, he’s presided over some of the best Star Wars stories ever told. The medium doesn’t matter - the quality of the storytelling - and the storyteller - does.

Absolutely right. Scott is a genius with a fully-formed script. Put him in charge of story development, and you end up with the messes that are Prometheus and Covenant. He is supreme stylist, a master of coherent visual storytelling - but he’s not a good writer. And at this point, Sir Rids, please just leave the ALIEN

PS But Stamets! Best thing on the show.

Mudd committed treachery by trying to sell both Discovery and Burnham to the Klingons in wartime. Then they let him go at the end. On that point alone, the episode fails as either comedy or drama. But there was so many other reasons why this was the worst episode of Discovery so far. (With certain reservations - I’ve

Prometheus and Alien Covenant really should be struck from ALIEN canon for systematically demystifying everything weird, cool and enigmatic about the original trilogy of films. Scott seemed not to understand that terror can remain inexplicable. He didn’t comprehend that he wasn’t the sole author of the first movie and