
“There’s only ever the one,” he said. “It’s like trying to do a sequel to 2001. Fundamentally, you can’t

Last Crusade is the worst. They turned Indy into a boy scout and Sallah and Brody into pathetic clowns. And the only female character is literally a Nazi.


with the greatest respect to Star Wars, the best film by far is the one that George directed, right?

“There’s only ever the one,” he said.

You know what we needed? None of the Engineer backstory nonsense. Alien was at its best when it was a mysterious infestation that took out some more powerful alien ship and one person (then three people and a robot) barely survived the encounter. There’s a terror in a mystery that just wants to kill you that is far

Going to see the 4K restoration at the Alamo Drafthouse next week. I am legitimately more excited about that than any other summer movie.

“There’s only ever the one,” he said.

Arya’s plot has been a bright spot for me this season, too. I really like the return to humanity vs. just being a murder bot.

Er, actually I think the errant nature of Melisandre’s prophecies are really a microcosm of the problem of the show as a whole: phenomenal acting talent, frequently wonderful writing on a scene-by-scene basis, but tied to writers who never really got a handle on how to use characterization and narrative set-ups to

I think Cleganebowl got justified by Sandor sending Arya home, there is an argument to be made, that Sandor was willing to partner up with Arya as long there was a chance that at least Arya was gonna make it out alive, dragonfire all around made that hope impossible.

The thing that sticks with me the most is Tyrion and Jaime’s goodbye. That was a punch in the gut. Jaime wasn’t just Tyrion’s brother, he was his best friend.

I wonder why fans are so myopic about writers and showrunners. Everyone loved Game of Thrones and Benioff and Weiss... until the end when they didn’t. Everyone loved Battlestar Galactica and thought Moore and Eick were geniuses... until the end, when they didn’t. And everyone loved Lost and lauded Lindelof and Cuse...

I want better writers and directors. The last couple of episodes of GoT in particular have demonstrated that without George Martin, Weiss and Benioff have no idea how to handle action/adventure (which is what Star Wars is all about). This especially makes sense given that Benioff was partly responsible for the horror

Yes! I was enthralled by the episode last night and was shocked to find so many people unsatisfied with it. I’m glad I’m not the only one who really enjoyed all the pieces.

I honestly enjoy that Arya is the one who saves the world. It feels like an arbitrary choice

I think my issue with Sansa (who I generally think is HBIC and I love her) is that she doesn’t really seem to be looking for solutions, vs. just pointing out problems. Yes, clearly feeding this army is a huge fucking deal. But did it need to be brought up in front of everyone, in the most negative possible way? The


Then those people shouldn’t consume it.

Smiled at Lando, teared up at Leia. The music carried me away. I was disappointed in the previous two but I still love Star Wars and this hits me in all the right spots.