
“This is the moment viewers have to decide if they’re going to stay and enjoy the ride, as it’s already been renewed for a fourth season, or get off the plane.” I’m afraid we bailed after Season 2's finale, during which June turned into Batman. It was so impossible to suspend disbelief, we found ourselves unable to

The thought of a Disney ALIEN flick fills me with inertia...especially if Scott helms it after his last two attempts to divest the series of any operatic mystery and the sense of cosmic sorrow that permeates the original. Please, keep him away from it, and anyone who wants to do Alien/Predator crossovers.

Yeah, I thought that was the best and most satisfying scene in the entire episode. No pyrotechnics, no sudden breakneck heelturns, just two excellent actors giving us the quiet and very moving resolution to their characters’ relationship.  

“Are you excited about every other Christmas swapping Star Wars and Avatar?”

Great round-up, James. I am stunned by the amount of glittering sequins they threw out to distract us from very little actually happening (or anything that did being spectacularly clumsy), but it’s almost all worth it to read your entertaining and actually quite genteel summation of this sophomore season. Youre very f

James, some people just watch the movies. And the animated TV shows, in my case. No way LF are going to use this convoluted backstory drawn from many and various tie-ins to explain a resurrection that can come about via a straightforward and easily understood Force Ghost apparition. Aside from a massive section of the

My prediction for Episide IX - The Rise of Skywalker: Threepio will be brave.

Id have loved that. Dave Filoni understands Star Wars in a way that no-one else quite seems able to.

1. Star Destroyer, STAR WARS ’77

Was it just me, or did the crystal caskets Tim Shaw kept the stolen worlds in kinda look like pieces of the Key to Time from the Tom Baker era?” They did, but the idea of the shrunken worlds was ripped wholesale from The Pirate Planet. And unlike RTDs use of stolen planets in Journey’s End, all life was snuffed out,

Luke had a T-16 Skyhopper toy in A New Hope. Why is this news?

It was extremely ill-advised, and she shouldve known better. But she didnt, and in the wake of social media backlash realized her mistake, and apologized, in a severely chastened fashion. While she certainly misread a public mood, and her empathy ain’t great, the more we do this Kangaroo Court by social media thing,

Welcome home, sir, and keep getting better and better-er.

You forgot Pigs Might Fly by Nick Abadzis and Jerel Dye, which really does desreve a mention on any of this past year’s Best of GN lists for kids.

This news, and the new Doctor Who trailer, has made my day. Absolutely the best thing in Star Wars news for ages! 

I dont think the problem was ever that Luke is portrayed as a cynic or failure per se, or as someone who hasnt performed quite in line with a sense of his own potential. (Thats true enough to many peoples experience in life.) It’s that he was portrayed as having lost absolutely all hope. It was entirely possible to

What would be really nice is if GameStop didnt just provide another venue for Marvel and DC - the big guys, who dont really need more exposure - but fully embraced comics culture and got behind the many smaller publishers who do all manner of genre material beyond just superheroes. But that would be a truly imaginati

Dont these people have anything better to do? Like, maybe, make up their own stories? Good grief. I didn’t much like The Last Jedi, but so what? If you have a creative itch, scratch it, do it, make it, but don’t tear down another artists work because it doesnt square with your vision.

I’m looking forward to the Benioff & Weiss movies, purely because those guys know how a modern mythology-driven franchise works. Rian Johnson’s? I’ll pass, thanks. Jury’s also out on a live-action TV show. This story just sounds like a corporate boardroom meeting decision which is to hang fire on new product until